The power of resilience

The power of resilience
The power of resilience

If there are two words that define Albert Espinosa (Barcelona, ​​1973) they are improvement and resilience. At just 14 years old he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a bone cancer that led him to stay in the hospital for 10 years and lose a lung, part of his liver and a leg. This unexpected turn of life did not manage to sink the young Catalan, but rather gave him the necessary fuel to continue living with all his desire and an experience that would serve as inspiration for the books and scripts for films and series that he would end up writing later. . Today he is 50 years old and has a literary career that has led him to write 11 books, some of them authentic best sellers published in 40 countries and with more than two million copies sold worldwide. With them he has managed to create stories in which empathy is always present and in which values ​​such as self-knowledge, resilience, love of life and constant learning are the common thread. From EDUCATION 3.0 we have compiled some of his most important works.

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