What investments do experts recommend after a sharp drop in the FIXED TERM?

To design a diversified portfolio that includes both local and international assets, it is important to be aware of the main investment recommendations in companies and funds that offer growth opportunities.

In this context, in the program What do we do with the pesos (A24) the economist and investment advisor Paula Bujía presented a recommended portfolio of assets covering both the local and international markets. The expert gave a detailed analysis of the companies and financial instruments that she considers promising in the current context.

Local assets: CER bonds, sovereign bonds AL41 and Pampa Energía

CER BONUSES: They stand out for their attractiveness in a scenario of implicit inflation. “The implicit inflation of the CER is between 3.5% and 4.5%… I like it the CER bonus that is due in Decemberwhich has an implicit inflation rate of 3.5%,” explained Bujía. The economist suggested that, Due to relative price adjustment and potential rate increases, inflation could be higher than expected, making these bonds an attractive option.

Sovereign Bonds: AL41. Its inclusion in the list of recommendations suggests its potential in the current Argentine economic environment.

Pampa Energy: It is one of the actions that are viewed favorably due to its diversification and growth potential. In addition, it is one of the stocks that rose the least this year, which gives it additional attractiveness from a valuation perspective.

International assets: five recommendations

Energy Sector (XLE). This ETF corrected 10% in the last month. “Energy companies that are having a lot of acquisition activity, which shows attractiveness to the sector, pay a lot of dividends“explained the economist.

Southern Peru Copper. In the raw materials sector, this firm follows the evolution of copper, an essential material for electrification and green energy. The expert explained: “The importance of copper for electrification not only in everything that is artificial intelligence, but also electric cars. It is a whole hellish electrical network and a lot of copper is used there.”

Coinbase. “With the decline that bitcoin had from its highs, We consider the way to invest in bitcoin indirectly via Cedears interesting.“, they highlighted in the program.

Locate. From Brazil, the firm presents itself as an attractive option due to its position in the car rental market and its double-digit profit growth. “He’s from Brazil. It is the main place to rent cars, is growing very strong double-digit profits and has a price to profit of 13 times, which is very cheap compared to other pairs in the world,” explained the expert.

Dell. Finally, Dell is a recommendation that, although Cedears does not have it, is highlighted by its 20% drop and its potential in the field of artificial intelligence. “It is the history of servers for artificial intelligence. I would take advantage of the fall that disappointed future growth a little, but it will still be excellent,” Bujía highlighted.

Bujía also expressed his opinion on the international market, particularly on USA. “We are seeing slowdown economic data in the United States. The corporate results, so far, have been very good, but you will not have corporate results for the next few months,” he explained in his analysis. The economist, in this way, anticipated a possible correction in the North American stock market and highlighted the change of leadership from technology companies to other sectors, suggesting an exhaustion in the rally of the former.

Investment funds

In addition to liquidity, mutual funds offer the possibility of obtaining attractive returns. Traditionally, money market funds are more popular among companies and individuals for their stability and liquidity.

However, With interest rates at historic lows, investors are looking for alternatives that offer superior returns. In this sense, funds that invest in short-term sovereign bills are positioned in the current context as an attractive option since they promise rates that exceed by more than 10 points what banks offer today for a fixed term.

In this context, an example is the SBS pesos Plus FCI fund, managed by Grupo SBS, which is presented as an outstanding option for those investors who seek to maximize their returns with security and liquidity. This fixed income type fund offers an annual nominal rate of over 40%, which positions it as a competitive alternative to traditional fixed terms and other forms of investment.

During the program, Bujía highlighted the importance of carefully evaluating available investment options in the market. And he pointed out that “it is quite a lesson” for those investors accustomed to the money market to explore alternatives such as lecaps funds, which offer more attractive returns.

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