The ‘AI Book’ from Indra and Amazon that wants to change the way of reading a book

The ‘AI Book’ from Indra and Amazon that wants to change the way of reading a book
The ‘AI Book’ from Indra and Amazon that wants to change the way of reading a book

One of the great masters of translation said: Jose Francisco Ruiz a few weeks ago in El Debate that “the publishing industry is not giving up and I am convinced that there are certain reasons, including political correctness, such as the issue of environmentalism, that they are going to return to sell the goodness of the electronic book, which has a translation of the text integrated directly to read in the language you want.

Ruiz spoke about the Artificial intelligence (IA) in the field of literary translation, but his futuristic reflection has become a reality just 10 days later. A strange couple, amazon and Indrahas come together to put the e-book in the spotlight and provide it with the necessary AI so that the way we face a ebook change completely.

There are certain reasons, even political correctness such as the issue of environmentalism, that will return to sell the benefits of the electronic bookJose Francisco RuizTranslator and professor at Pompeu Frabra University

The pages of a book contain experiences, knowledge, creativity, regulatory compliance and, above all, learning methodology. With these wickers and with the technological base of Amazon Web Services (AWS), Minsait (Indra) has developed the AI Booka solution that “explores the possibilities of generative artificial intelligence (IAGen) to respond to the needs raised by the business editorial», according to the Spanish company.

The digital transformation company presented at the AWS Summit Madrid its technological development, which aims to “provide an innovative response to the challenge of the publishing sector.”

The solution consists of two phases:

  • Trigger content from experts in the publishing field.
  • Exploration of these knowledge bases by users, both students and teachers.

«All that information, in a ecosystem closed and controlled, it has a return so that, in continuous updates of the content, it can be adapted to the specific needs based on the data collected,” he explained. Luis Ángel Tellodirector of Minsait’s Telco and Media Market.

The event allowed us to advance the details of an innovation developed on artificial intelligence, the machine learning and the AWS cloud. «Generating this governance of knowledge, Minsait takes advantage of the best models we have available to develop a use case adapted to the needs of the editorial client at the best possible cost and that seems essential to us,” he declared. Victor Ramoshead of Education and Research in Spain of the hyperscaler.

How does it work?

Thanks to the combination of imagesaudio, video and text, the AI Book It uses different multimodal algorithms to create original content. From the home page, it is the user himself who can upload information from different sources to generate the specific knowledge base he needs.

The solution then allows you to interact with an agent by asking questions and AI generative It offers the possibility of answering these questions through text and even through an avatar, which can adapt its voice and image to the educational context required by the publishing industry.

The AI ​​Book uses different multimodal algorithms to create original content

This innovation uses a large number of generative AI models, in a governed and rhythmic way to obtain these results. «Despite all the advances, very few solutions until now incorporated the concept multimodal to respond to the needs in the educational field,” said Luis Ángel Tello, who highlighted the importance of working “hand in hand with the publishing industry and continuing to respond to its challenges, such as those posed by copyright. The technology is available and we are going to continue evolving along these lines.”

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