Bill Gates announces the nuclear reactor of the future

Nuclear is one of the most controversial ways to obtain energy. On the one hand, it is true that the emission of greenhouse gasesmaking it much more effective in combating climate change. But, on the other hand, it entails a series of risks that we cannot fail to take into account. The Chernobyl or Fukushima nuclear power plants are a good example of what can happen if a human error or natural disaster occurs that puts the stability of the reaction against the ropes. For this reason, many scientists already trust the natrium type nuclear reactor as a clean and safe option for the future.

This nuclear reactor is being built in Kemmerer, Wyoming. Credit: Kenneth Hynek (Wikimedia Commons)

The first nuclear power plant with one of these reactors is already being built in Kemmerer, Wyoming, by Terra Power, a company created in 2008 by Bill Gates. The selection of the place is not coincidental. In addition to having land suitable for its construction, Wyoming is the state in the country with a increased coal production. The objective would be to transfer workers from that polluting industry to one based on the natrium reactor. Thus, no one would suffer from the change.

Construction of the facility is underway, but the relevant permits to carry out the nuclear fission reaction have not yet arrived. In fact, they are expected to take approximately two years. If all goes well, the natrium nuclear reactor will be operational by 2030. Bill Gates and his team have 6 years to convince suspicious scientists that it really is a safe option. But what exactly does it consist of?

Traditional nuclear fission vs. natrium nuclear reactor

In general, a nuclear reactor consists of a device in which the division of atoms of a radioactive element, usually uranium, occurs. It is a chain reaction, by which the generated particles collide with other nuclei, causing them to also divide. Furthermore, it is a exothermic reaction, in which a lot of heat is released. That heat is used to convert liquid water into steam, which will later move the turbines that help produce electrical energy.

All this is common to both traditional and natrium-type nuclear reactors. The difference is in the cooling mechanism. In a nuclear reactor, so much heat is produced that the pressure can increase greatly, leading to an explosion. It would be something similar to what happens when a balloon is heated. The gas particles move faster, the pressure increases and it finally explodes.

nuclear reactornuclear reactor
The main difference between this nuclear reactor and conventional ones is the cooling liquid.

If this were to occur in the nuclear reactor, large quantities of radioactive uranium would be released into the environment. Chernobyl is a good example of how serious this can be. For this reason, water jackets are used that circulate around the uranium to cool it. Unfortunately, this poses two problems. On the one hand, water can only absorb heat up to 100 ºC. At that point it completely transforms into steam and can no longer cool, so more water needs to be pumped. That pumping requires electricity, so an accidental power outage could cause the pumping to stop and the reactor to shut down. overheat. Again, the probability of explosion increases.

Natrium-type reactors change water for a liquid metal, in this case sodium. Its boiling point is 8 times greater than that of water, so they can absorb much more heat. Plus, it doesn’t need to be pumped. As it heats up, it rises, but then it cools and can absorb heat again. Therefore, if there is a power outage, the reactor would continue to cool correctly.

Some reluctance

Since Bill Gates announced that he would build a Natrium nuclear reactor in Wyoming, there have been many suspicious scientists. In fact, the Union of Concerned Scientists released a report pointing out that these types of reactors can also pose risks. For example, it would be so efficient that a much larger supply of uranium would be necessary, which would put the nuclear power plant in the crosshairs of possible terrorists. Furthermore, they consider that not enough tests have been done to really demonstrate that safety against possible blackouts.

They believe that the procedure will have to be studied more. For now, the United States National Regulatory Commission is already reviewing Terra Power’s request to build the Natrium reactor. They will be the ones who finally decide if there are reasons to move forward. Bill Gates and his team are confident that this will be the case. And, without a doubt, if they fulfill what they promise, it will be a true revolution in the field of nuclear energy.

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