Blue dollar, dollar today: how much are they trading at on Wednesday, June 12 | The price of the dollar for purchase and sale

Blue dollar, dollar today: how much are they trading at on Wednesday, June 12 | The price of the dollar for purchase and sale
Blue dollar, dollar today: how much are they trading at on Wednesday, June 12 | The price of the dollar for purchase and sale

The blue goes down again

The blue dollar falls for the second time so far this day, accumulating a drop of 0.78%.

The price in the parallel market is $1,265 for purchase and $1,285 for sale.

The projection of the fall of the economy in 2024 worsens

The World Bank worsened its projection of the Argentine economy and estimated that this year it will fall 3.5%, making it the country with the greatest contraction of activity in Latin America. However, the organization maintained its GDP growth projection in 2025, of 5 percent, above the rest of the economies in the region.

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Blue dollar retreat

The blue dollar has a slight decline. It is now trading at $1,270 for purchase and $1,290 for sale.

The decline is 0.39%.

Is the worst yet to come?: Carlos Melconian’s perspective

Carlos Melconian, Macri’s economic representative, refuted the government’s optimistic story about the recovery of activity. “It’s a lie that the worst is over,” he said in a television interview. The former campaign economist of the current Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich questioned that exchange and foreign trade controls could not be eliminated. “The stocks were not lifted nor is there an open exchange rate policy to open trade,” she emphasized.

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What is the dollar counted with liquid

He Dollar Counted with Liqui It is a legal way to acquire dollars in Argentina that avoids the restrictions of the official foreign exchange market. It involves the purchase of public or private debt securities or shares in pesos that are also quoted in dollars in foreign markets. Once acquired, they are sold in those markets. The price of the dollar counted with liquid may vary and is subject to market expectations

Caputo embraces the IMF as a last resort

By Leandro Renou

There is only one reason why Luis Caputo was appointed Minister of Economy in the Government of Javier Milei. His goal was, is and will be to obtain dollars through different means. But almost in the same way as in the Government of Mauricio Macri, the former Goldman Sachs went through 6 months of management without having investment currencies, from agriculture and with the China swap stopped, which once again left him embraced by the Monetary Fund (IMF). ). In a congress organized by the consulting firm Libertad y Progreso, the minister warned that “we are in the process of reviewing the Fund, which will be on the 13th and from there we will begin to negotiate a new program with them. We are not announcing it now because Logically, we must first agree on it with the Fund and eventually try to ensure that new money arrives with this new program.” Without giving further details, he announced the taking on new debt for one central reason: when he took office, Milei – who had already criticized him for his habit of taking on debt – asked him to get a volume of dollars to get out of the exchange trap. Today, his political stability in the Cabinet depends entirely on that loan, which has its complexities.

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The quote at the opening of the wheel

The dollar opened without changes and in the first minutes of operations it continues with the same price.

The official dollar is quoted at 881.00 for purchase and $921.00 for sale.

The blue dollar is at $1,275 for purchase and $1,295 for sale.

What happens when an Economy Minister insists that there will be no devaluation

By Federico Kucher

The rumors and speculation in the market are increasing due to the difficulty of the economic team in adding new international reserves. The blue dollar was on the verge of 1,300 pesos this Tuesday, the exchange gap continues to increase and the Central Bank had to get rid of foreign currency for the third consecutive day. The tension led the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, to assure through his social networks that there will be no devaluation once the chapter of the Base Law is finished.

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Currency black market

It is an alternative market where foreign currencies, mainly dollars, are traded outside the control and regulation of official financial authorities. This market is characterized by operating outside the law, which often results in higher prices compared to the official market. Its existence and prevalence are due to several reasons. Firstly, the relevant percentage of “black economy” in the entire national productive movement (to avoid paying taxes or directly as a result of illegal activities), which leaves many economic agents without the possibility of resorting to legal markets. Among its defenders, the influence of strict exchange restrictions imposed by the government, economic imbalances, and a growing demand for hard currencies as savings or investment mechanisms in the face of local economic uncertainty stands out. In addition to impacting the economic stability of the country, the black currency market represents a legal risk for participants, since transactions are carried out outside the banking and financial legal framework. Unlike the Blue Dollar, which refers specifically to the US dollar in an informal but relatively accepted context, the black market can include a variety of foreign currencies, and is often associated with less transparent and more speculative economic activities.

The dollar today

The official dollar is quoted at 881.00 for purchase and $921.00 for sale.

The blue dollar is at $1,275 for purchase and $1,295 for sale.

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