PB3 Powerbuoy Marine Buoys Approach 15 MWh of Power Production

The American company Ocean Power Technologies has announced that the production of green electricity from its PB3 Powerbuoy, devices that use firepower, has reached 15 MWh.

Although little known, wave energy is much less intermittent than wind or photovoltaics, and can produce a large amount of electricity. In France, the implementation of several heat power plants could produce up to 40 TWh per year, according to estimates published on the TotalEnergies site. This is equivalent to the production capacity of 4 to 5 nuclear reactors. Among the most important companies that develop solutions to exploit this energy source with great potential is Ocean Power Technologies. This US public company recently announced that its PB3 Powerbuoys have reached an important milestone in terms of green electricity production.

A production of approximately 15 MWh

In a press release, Ocean Power Technologies stated that the electricity production of its PB3 Powerbuoys is estimated at approximately 15 MWh. The figures revealed by the American public company demonstrate the growing adoption of its devices that use houlomotive energy. According to the company, this production comes from rentals, sales and investments in clean energy, carried out within the framework of government programs. For information, if OPT has managed to reach this important milestone, it is thanks to its facilities distributed in the Atlantic Ocean, in the Pacific, as well as in the North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron and the Office of Naval Research are among its largest customers.

Devices that can be used in different areas

The OPT CEO stated that these figures prove that off-grid devices, which use marine energy, are not only intended for the R&D community and constitute viable commercial solutions. According to him, Powerbuoys can be used, among others, to recharge USVs (unmanned surface vehicles) that monitor the marine environment and to support the security industry. He also added that his company already works with players from different fields, such as defence, offshore wind, marine sciences, oil and gas, and that he is eager to announce upcoming deployments.

A device that can provide power continuously

To transform wave energy into electricity, Ocean Power Technologies’ PB3 Powerbuoy uses a direct drive generator that constantly powers a battery. The latter has the role of providing electricity to nearby or coastal facilities, but also of storing enough energy to satisfy its needs during long periods of calm at sea. This allows the device to continuously power equipment or buildings.

It is worth noting that, unlike wind turbines, devices designed by OPT can operate during weather events such as storms or cyclones. In 2011, during Category 3 Hurricane Irene, Powerbuoys were tested off the coast of New Jersey. Despite the winds and particularly rough seas, they accomplished their mission successfully, feeding coastal security networks as part of a US Navy project.

More information: oceanpowertechnologies.com

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