The price of milk could continue to increase after producers’ crisis: Analac

The price of milk could continue to increase after producers’ crisis: Analac
The price of milk could continue to increase after producers’ crisis: Analac

In a situation that has raised great concerns at the national level, the National Milk Producers Association expresses alarm about the current crisis. In an interview with Caracol Radio, the Dr. Felipe Pinilla, president of Analachighlighted the critical challenges facing the sector.

“The milk producer has done great efforts to stay afloat during these difficult 15 months,” he commented.

First of all, Dr. Pinilla began by addressing the decision of some great processors to reduce milk purchases from producers, pointing out that this measure could severely impact thousands of producers in regions such as Antioquia, Caldas, Boyacá, Cauca, Nariño, Quindío and Valle del Cauca.

“It is worrying that after a prolonged decline in prices paid to producersnow let’s face the possibility of receiving less milk of which we produce,” added Pinilla.

On the other hand, the president stressed the importance of the effort to maintain fair prices does not fall solely on the producers, but also extends to the processing and marketing links. He insisted on the need for dairy products to come off the plants at more affordable prices, benefiting both consumers and producers.

Impact on the market and alternatives

Regarding the potential impact on final milk prices, Dr. Pinilla expressed reservations, highlighting that the industry is currently facing production surplus that could moderate any abrupt increase. “The industry is sitting on a backlog of production, and while we face challenges, we hope to avoid significant increases in prices for the final consumer,” he mentioned.

Competition and alternative trends

Regarding the growing popularity of dairy alternatives such as almond milk and oat milk, Dr. Pinilla reaffirmed the nutritional importance of traditional dairy products, according to the recommendations of the ICBF.

However, he acknowledged that market diversification presents an additional challenge for the dairy sector. “Despite alternative options on the market, dairy products offer nutritional benefits incomparable in a small volume,” he commented.

Solutions and future of the dairy sector

Finally, addressing the current measures taken by producers due to the lack of buyers, Dr. Pinilla lamented the growing informality in the productive chain and emphasized the need to prevent major problems through concerted actions.

“It is crucial to avoid the informality that arises when producers do not find buyers for their milk,” concluded Pinilla, president of Analac.

Listen to the full interview on Caracol Radio.

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