Princess Leonor’s secret plans to get rid of the weight of the Crown that have ended up seeing the light

Princess Leonor’s secret plans to get rid of the weight of the Crown that have ended up seeing the light
Princess Leonor’s secret plans to get rid of the weight of the Crown that have ended up seeing the light

Inevitably, the life of Princess Leonor (18 years old) is marked by her role as heiress. Since she was born, she was destined to reign. This means that at 18 years old she cannot have a life like that of other young people his age. The Princess of Asturias is always surrounded by strong security measures, she has institutional commitments that mean she has to be in continuous training, she does not have the power to decide over her future, something that leads to the fact that she is now studying his military training in the General Military Academy of Zaragozaeach of your steps is analyzed… These are just some issues that prevent you from enjoying a freedom that from time to time you are forced to have, even if it is in secret.

The princess of Asturias knows well What to do according to what plans from time to time, allows you to promptly lead a life typical of a young woman who has just come of age. In addition, this is how you can enjoy some of her hobbies and those close to her. without media pressure that he has in each of his public appearances. Below, we compile what have been those private plans that Leonor has enjoyed in recent months and that have ended up seeing the light of day.

The private plans with which Princess Leonor disconnects from the Crown

On the one hand, during his stay in Zaragoza, there have been days when he has enjoyed plans around the city with his classmates from the General Military Academy. The Princess of Asturias has visited some establishments in the Aragonese capital where she has enjoyed the typical gastronomy there. Although much has been said over the years about strict eating that Queen Letizia would impose on her daughters, on these outings Leonor would eat pizzas, hamburgers or sandwiches, showing that she also likes to enjoy these things. And she has also gone out to party.

It was also in Zaragoza where he had a surprise party for his 18th birthday. The friends he made there wanted to surprise him with a celebration in a well-known restaurant in the Aragonese capital. Therefore, although in front of the gallery he celebrated his coming of age by swearing in the Constitution and with a formal and family lunch at the El Pardo Palace, he did not miss that private celebration among friends, very typical of someone who reaches 18 years of age.

Furthermore, they are plans in which she has gone unnoticed. The heiress is fully integrated among his colleagues and when you go somewhere with them, you have to look closely to see her because she doesn’t stand out, quite the opposite.

She also achieves this ability to go unnoticed when she makes private trips. An example, the one that took place during Holy Week. Princess Leonor took a plane that took him to New York. There he met his friend Gabriel Giacomelli, whom he met at the boarding school in Wales where he studied high school. The eldest daughter of Kings Felipe and Letizia thus experienced an international trip in which she went completely unnoticed and she discovered an incredible place where she could enjoy herself without pressure.

Precisely in Welsh, was where Princess Leonor was able to live her two years away from the Crown. During the time she studied at UWC Atlantic College, in which her sister Infanta Sofía is now studying, the heiress disconnected from her institutional role like never before. A disconnection that although it cannot be the same now, she tries to maintain as much as possible because she knows that on a mental level it is very good for her and is very necessary to maintain balance. This is how her parents have taught her since she was little.

The philosophy of Kings Felipe and Letizia on private plans with their daughters

Since ever, Kings Felipe and Letizia have enjoyed private plans. Every summer, they try to take a private getaway somewhere in the world without anyone finding out. A few days of being completely shielded and relaxed to be able to enjoy a privacy that they don’t usually have on a day-to-day basis. Also when they are in Madrid or when they pass through Mallorca to enjoy their summer holidays, they make those secret plans in which there is no shortage of cinema, theater, dinners, meals… Issues with which to momentarily get rid of that weight that they carry Be part of the royal family.

Therefore, it is most likely that in the coming months Princess Leonor enjoys some private plan again, taking into account that summer is approaching. Next July she will kick off a month of vacation in which he will make public appearances. There will be no shortage of his family trip to Mallorca, in which he will disconnect but not completely. But surely there is room for a trip about which nothing is known and even for some plans in Madrid with which to recharge batteries for August, when he will enter the Naval School of Marin.

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