I had to move twice due to harassment.

The actress Ines Estevez visited this saturday TV overdosethe classic program C5Nwhere he analyzed current events and referred to the phenomenon of the Baby Reindeer series, which deals with a situation of obsession and harassment, and recalled similar situations that he had to face. “I had to move twice”revealed.

I don’t know a woman who hasn’t been harassed once or twice in her life., at least. It is something that is good for it to be spread and known, but for us it is something we live every day“, he reflected during the talk with Carla Czudnowsky and Mariano Hamilton.

Then he revealed details about the situations he had to face: “I have two cases (of harassment) in my life.…It was a time when social networks did not exist.” In that sense, he warned: “Harassment for women is so naturalized that There are a huge number of complaints that are dismissed“.

“I had to move… On one occasion I had to leave a house I shared with a friendbecause he was a relative of hers,” he described about that first experience.

However, there was more: “On another occasion I had to move because it was a neighbor who monitored me“They had gone to make a note at my house and this person called me on the phone, saying that this journalist was a friend of his and that I had given him my number,” he added. “The treatment was not violent but it was undesirable and sustained“he explained.

After observing a report about a siege situation, the actress pointed out that the warnings serve to “do not naturalize any type of symptom that reveals an obsession that seems to go towards that level.

With an extensive career in television, film and theater, Estévez made a difference: “I do a distinction between the fan and the stalker. There are people who are fans and who have a mask with my face on it and she is divine and I follow her on Instagram and I don’t invite her to my birthday because we don’t have that much privacy.”

Inés Estévez: “The situation in the country discourages me”

The actress also analyzed the current situation in Argentina governed by La Libertad Avanza and expressed her concern: “It discourages me, it is inevitable to discourage you, especially when everything is so hostile for so many fronts at the same time“.

I am taking it with the best predisposition, trying as always to put a little optimism into things. When I can, appealing to wisdom, I think that we will have to learn something from this“he assured.

Then, with greater optimism, he said: “Whenever there is a storm front, one day it passes.” Then, he reviewed the history of the country and commented: “What we are experiencing is a bit cyclical, but apparently this cyclical thing is getting worse.”

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