Lara Ferreiro, expert psychologist in couples, reveals the pact between Jesulín de Ubrique and María José Campanario to stay together

Lara Ferreiro, expert psychologist in couples, reveals the pact between Jesulín de Ubrique and María José Campanario to stay together
Lara Ferreiro, expert psychologist in couples, reveals the pact between Jesulín de Ubrique and María José Campanario to stay together

This week María José Campanario celebrated her 46th birthday and she did so, to everyone’s surprise, speaking on television. The woman from Jesulín de Ubrique spoke unexpectedly with Sonsoles Ónega live through a phone call, opening up about very personal aspects. Thus, María José Campanario assured that her marriage of more than 20 years is at its best and that Jesulín de Ubrique is a man in love and romantic who brings him breakfast in bed every day. Everything that María José and Jesús Janeiro share about their relationship seems painted in a rosy color and a few months ago knew that at a private party they had shown themselves to be more complicit and passionate than ever, but is it really like that? Isn’t there any crack in your relationship?

We have analyzed the marriage of María José Campanario and Jesulín de Ubrique with Lara Ferreiro, psychologist for the Ashley Madison dating app and expert in couples therapy, and has uncovered this couple’s pact. Campanario and Jesulín met in 2000 but when they had been together for a few months he had a very serious accident. “This was key because she played the role of savior and showed him that he would be above everything for her. María José had a lot of information but knew how to give herself a place in the complicated panorama of Jesulín. Everything must have been very complicated, there was many attacks between Belén Esteban and her. In fact, Belén has always said that Jesulín and María José were not going to last and that they sell a happiness that they do not really have,” the psychologist began her analysis.

Psychologist Lara Ferreiro

“We are seeing throughout these years that there would indeed be an exaggeration or an overacting. We see it in those poses, everything idyllic, those smiles… They may be fine as a couple but when after so many years it looks so pretty everything can be exaggerated “Life is not rosy, this is a false image, regardless of being well as a couple. Too good to be true is usually a lie, this is simply in terms of probability,” says Lara Ferreiro. However, the expert clarifies: “Of course, they have gone through so many things and their third child was born -two years ago- It’s like the final touch to your love story which has already lasted 23 years. More united than ever? “They can be well and in love, I just point out that the rosy life and breakfast every day in bed after two decades together does not exist.”

At what stage is the relationship between Jesulín and María José Campanario? Your weaknesses and strengths

Jesulín de Ubrique and María José Campanario had their stage of effervescent love more than 20 years ago, but when they started he had that accident and leaned on her. “This can make this first love even very strong. Then for them, phase two of any couple, the zone of tranquility, has always been complicated because the ghost of Belén Esteban was always in their relationship and other situations that can cause crisis such as the problem with María José’s justice, her illness, the distance due to her studies, the rumors of infidelity… but this is invisible, they have never given that image, they are like a merged couple“explains the couples expert.

Lara Ferreiro is the writer of the book ‘Addicted to an Asshole’ and has worked in consultation with many types of couples. “Screen 3, the one with fights and crises, obviously they have had it because everyone has it. In couples there are evolutionary crises every 5 years, structural crises… There is always a crisis. They have never given that image of weakness for your couple’s pact”says Lara Ferreiro. The psychologist assures, beyond this, they can perfectly be in a screen of deep love.

Psychologist Lara Ferreiro

“They can be very well and in love, that that third child has made them fall in love again. In fact, around the ages of 45 to 50 there is the second sexual revolution when the children are older and they want each other because they have already gone through everything. That pink life they tell us is posturing, but in any couple. Breakfast every day in bed is impossible, that perfection in love does not exist. But I do get the feeling that they are going to go to the end,” he adds.

For the psychologist Lara Ferreiro, María José Campanario and Jesulín de Ubrique They have many strengths and they have demonstrated it in the face of all adversity. “His accident, Hurricane Belén Esteban, who were like a bad trio, María José’s fraud trial, her chronic fibromyalgia disease, the hospitalizations, both of their professions… They have great resistance as a couple and as individuals., that must be emphasized. They are a source of mutual support, they have been able to understand each other, they are like a very united couple, they never speak badly of each other, they maintain the same common front… I think they have made couple agreements to give that image and that there is a commitment to adapt. There are many challenges in their relationship,” says the therapist.

This analysis by Lara Ferreiro on the ‘marriage of Ambitions’ ends with a conclusion and that is that Jesulín and María José form a couple with a past that has strengthened them, a fairly balanced present and all the guarantees of a future together. “They have created a bunker and give each other support and stability, They have achieved balance and strength, They complement each other even though they apparently have nothing to do with each other and they make an effort to maintain the relationship. Furthermore, it seems that they keep the passion alive and in fact this third child has come much later,” he concludes.

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