The Weinbaum brothers celebrate 35 years of MDQ: the ritual that changed their lives, the time in the theater and the memory of mother Herminia

The Weinbaum brothers celebrate 35 years of MDQ: the ritual that changed their lives, the time in the theater and the memory of mother Herminia
The Weinbaum brothers celebrate 35 years of MDQ: the ritual that changed their lives, the time in the theater and the memory of mother Herminia

MDQ’s first appearances on television (Video: MDQ, for everyone – El Trece)

35 years have passed since the debut of what mutated into MDQ, for everyone and The Weinbaum brothers continue doing what they love most: Spread your love of adventure and culture, marked by your passion for surfing and seasoned with just the right amount of humor. After disembarking at the theater, Eugene, 62 years old, and Sebastianculini for everyone, 51they open the trunk of their memories and share them with Teleshow. In this talk they talk about his first steps linked to the waves and the wind, the long road traveled through the most extreme corners of the planet and his particular conception of success. And they will save a privileged place for their mother, Herminiaemotional support and unexpected guide to an adventure that has no end in sight.

Yes ok started as a program “purely surfing”the eldest of the duo confessed that Everything took an unexpected turn during a trip to Indonesia. They were looking at the sea like so many other times, when something out of context happened. “Some appeared gamelanes, who are Balinese musicians who play metallic instruments like the xylophone. “They were all dressed in black and they caught my attention.” Their eyes moved away from the waves and focused on a ritual they couldn’t tear themselves away from. “They were going to a rajah’s ceremonya cremation of this person who had died,” he contextualizes.

Eugenio acted almost instantly. He recorded the event with his camera and, perhaps without knowing it, he was reestablishing the foundations of MDQ, the project of his family and his life that captivated fans of different generations. “The program has always been, and is to this day, a reflection of what we would be interested in seeing as viewers. That caught my attention and I wanted to share it.. And that’s when we open the range by getting to know the cultures of the world.”, he recalls from a distance. The improvised aesthetics, the feeling of real time and the handling of the cameras place it at the forefront of a type of content that is currently trending on social networks.

The Weinbaum brothers combine humor and culture in their program (MDQ, for everyone – El Trece)

That event changed their lives forever, as they gave free rein to their curiosity about different cultures, without limits or borders. It became the driving force behind their trips, which they meticulously organized to reach the most risky places and enjoy each experience. And above all, show respect in the situations you encounter.

—How do you plan trips and how do you choose each destination?

Culini: —We travel alone with a camera that any tourist, or family, has in their home, so as not to interrupt. We are like witnesses and then we share everything we do.

Eugenio: —If there are more than two people, you bother and interrupt, you go from being a spectator to a person who is in the way. The production team remains the same: we act as producers, cameramen, lighting people. First it started for something economic and now it happens because we know each other a lot, we have our codes, we know how far we can cross a line or not.

Eugenio and Sebastián Weinbaum remember their mother, the MDQ star

The complicity between the brothers added a bonus when it came to enjoying their countless adventures into the unknown. And as the programs went by, his mother made her appearance, Herminia, who became an endearing character. The woman, who died in mid-2021, not only managed to cause endless laughter to fans of the cycle, but also she stole the hearts of more than one who watched her religiously on the small screen.

“She is the star and protagonist of MDQEugenio summarizes. When remembering her childhood, which he defines as “very humble,” he clarifies that they did not lack anything thanks to the love of her parents, especially on her part. “He was always a rattlesnake and brought happiness to the house”he recalls, citing that home where brothers and cousins ​​lived together.

—How did your arrival to the cycle occur?

—Culini: It occurred to us to enter it because the idea of ​​the program is to have fun and have a good time, that’s why we’ve been going for 35 years.We had a lot of fun sharing as a family. That’s why our brothers also went through the cycle. Chichowho participated as a police officer, and Karina, who played the role of chronicler.

—Eugenio: When a person is over 40 years old they are considered old or old for work, and that is not good. And it also stayed because of the great love that radiated between us and we wanted to share with the public.

Coming from a large family, the Weinbaums have always involved some of their siblings in their success (Instagram)

—Do you remember what his first appearance was?

—Culini: It was something improvised. They stopped us for not having the papers for the car, the MDQ cell phone, and we needed someone to close the program and she was delighted because she gave us a hand. The next day he said: “Hey, I liked this, what if we continue?” For us It was like touching the sky with your hands.

—Eugenio: It was very fun to work with mom and we always have her in mind. There are many cultures that say that, if you remember people who are not physically on earth, wherever they are, you will always give more life or joy to the person you are remembering. And she, of course, is unforgettable.

After so many years in front of the cameras, having been encouraged by a thousand and one adventures, the Weinbaums settled an unfinished business by trying themselves on the stage. During all this time, They had received various proposals to participate in the summer season in their hometown, but none of them convinced them. Accustomed to self-management, they wanted to do something of their own and last year they took the step, with the collaboration of their sister Karina in the production.

MDQ’s hidden siblings, Karina and Chico (Video: MDQ, for everyone – El Trece)

—Culini: We had a blast writing it, we had fun and we said “I hope it’s a success”, which luckily it was, but if not, it was still great because we enjoyed that process a lot. It was a bit of trial and error, doing trials, and seeing that what we found funny was surely going to generate something in people., but without having any idea because we had never been on stage. It was magical.

—Eugenio: There was a lot of uncertainty on the part of the public, since no one imagined what we could do, but they were delighted to see us in another format. I don’t think we’re going to get off the stage anymore. (laughs).

Since they were little, Eugenio and Sebastián share the same tastes, which was key to their great bond (Instagram)

While they finalize the details to return to the stage during the winter holidays, the elder Weinbaum explains that they do not have a formula for success, although they are guided by a series of principles: “Not letting ourselves down or letting down the people who have been following us for more than three decades. We continue doing the program as if we were doing it for the two hundred who watched us on the Mar del Plata channel, or the millions who can watch us on any platform or on El Trece. Also, the secret is not to underestimate the people on the other side, that’s why it took us a long time to make another season.”

—Seeing what they do, it seems that they enjoy it like the first day.

Eugenio: —If you work in what you really like, If you transform your vocation into a job, your future is assured. But it has nothing to do with business, but with the fact that you are going to continue doing it even though you get old, because it is what you love. It’s what we would do without a camera, what we have always done.

Culini: —We had a great time, we are both heading in the same direction, we respect each other a lot, we are passionate. Eugenio is a great companion, we take care of each other, we protect each other, and Maybe that is one of the keys to why we have been together for 35 years.

—Do you see new projects like MDQ emerging? Do you feel like pioneers in this way of generating content?

Eugenio: —Everything depends on what each person loves to do, because that will make them the best at what they do. If anyone wants to do adventure programs, we are adventurous, we love it, we are curious, but we are not crazy, we don’t jump out of a plane without a parachute. What I can tell you is to be careful and do what you want to do, because there is only one life.

—Are they returning to television?

Culini: —We have our hearts set on this. At the moment we are embarking on the theater adventure, but that does not mean that we are not planning something. They are not going to be saved easily (laughs).

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