Tom Hanks admits that this is the worst film of his career and in the history of cinema – Movie News

Tom Hanks admits that this is the worst film of his career and in the history of cinema – Movie News
Tom Hanks admits that this is the worst film of his career and in the history of cinema – Movie News

He has won two Oscars and dozens of awards, but they are not enough to erase this mistake from his filmography. Even years after its release, Tom Hanks still regrets participating in it.

We have seen it in successful films like Forrest Gump, Castaway and Saving Private Ryanso it’s no surprise that Tom Hanks is one of the most famous and recognized names in Hollywood and the film industry. A collaborator with filmmakers such as Steven Spielberg and Robert Zemeckis, the performer has forged a prolific career in the seventh art and in addition to appearing in front of the cameras, he is also a producer and director.

Although he has worked on a varied range of productions such as Unexpected miracles, Philadelphia, The Da Vinci Code and even animated films like toy story, Hanks is aware that not all the titles he has participated in are so belovedbecause even he regrets having appeared in a feature film by a fairly well-known filmmaker.

In 1990, when Tom Hanks was entering the peak of his career, the actor starred in a film by Brian De Palma that, unlike the success of his previous works, did not have the reception he expected from audiences and experts. The project was an adaptation of The bonfire of the vanitiesthe popular American novel written by Tom Wolfebut neither its literary importance nor its stellar cast managed to convince viewers.

This 125-minute black comedy showed the story of Sherman McCoy (Hanks), a Wall Street trader whose life changes drastically when he takes the wrong turn and instead of going to Manhattan, ends up in the Bronx and runs over a man; something that is recapitulated by journalist Peter Fallow (Bruce Willis). The novel was so beloved that eyes were placed on the also actor of Elviswho He confessed to Oprah Winfrey that it was not what he expected:

“Even now, when I go to Germany, people say to me ‘How come they don’t make more films as good and raw as The bonfire of the vanities?’“Hanks commented to the interviewer, adding that the film’s failure was also due to the fact that the novel was very relevant to American society and the adaptation was not up to par, nor was his performance: The bonfire of the vanities It taught me that I can’t force a basic connection.”he pointed.

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