the key to early detection of skin cancer suffered by Kevin Jonas

the key to early detection of skin cancer suffered by Kevin Jonas
the key to early detection of skin cancer suffered by Kevin Jonas

07:58 PM

In colombia, melanoma is in eighth place among the eleven types of cancer prioritized by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, according to the latest report from the High Cost Account (CAC). Likewise, as of February 2024, there have been registered 7,881 cases of this disease in the country, of which 11.94% were new cases, according to the health system entity.

Therefore, health experts have emphasized to citizens that, With self-examination, early detection of the signs and symptoms of skin cancer is activity that can make a big difference in the prognosis of the disease.

For be able to recognize the possible signs of skin cancer, especially in moles and other skin formations, and when it is necessary to seek medical attention, there are certain relatively simple parameters.

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He Skin cancer is mainly classified into three types: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common and least aggressive type, usually It appears on sun-exposed areas such as the face and neck.

The topic became especially relevant this Wednesday, June 12, when the singer Kevin Jonas, member of the Jonas Brothers, announced that he was diagnosed with cancer of skin by revealing that he underwent surgery to remove a basal cell carcinoma in a place on his head.

Squamous cell carcinoma also is associated with sun exposure and can grow faster. Melanoma, although less common, is the most dangerous type due to its ability to spread to other parts of the body.

To identify possible skin cancer, the ABCDE rule can help you remember the characteristics of suspicious moles.

The asymmetry (A) indicates that one half of the mole does not match the other. The edges (B) of a benign mole are usually smooth and regular, while irregular or blurry edges are a cause for concern. He color (C) Uniformity is typical of benign moles, but the presence of multiple colors in a single mole is alarming. He diameter (D) Melanomas are usually larger than a pencil eraser, although they may be smaller in early stages. The evolution (E) A mole, which includes changes in size, shape, color, or new symptoms such as bleeding or itching, should be evaluated by a dermatologist.

In addition to changes in moles, there are other warning signs such as: new lesions that increase in sizedo not heal and appear shiny, translucent, tan, brown, black or multicolored; ulcer-like lesion or sore that does not heal after three weeks, that bleeds, hurts, itches, or scabs or birthmarks or brown spots that appear after age 21 and that change color or texture, increase thickness, or acquire an irregular shape.

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This skin self-examination is recommended to be performed once a month, according to the Colombian League against Cancer. It is important to pay attention to these symptoms and consult a dermatologist immediately if they are observed.

Please note that there are several factors that increase the risk of developing skin cancer. Excessive exposure to the sun or tanning beds, as well as tobacco consumption, are risk factors that can be modified, according to the health center.

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