Prince William’s radical change after Kate Middleton’s surprise reappearance

Prince William’s radical change after Kate Middleton’s surprise reappearance
Prince William’s radical change after Kate Middleton’s surprise reappearance

They have been some intense days for the British Royal House. Last weekend, The Windsors celebrated ‘Trooping the colour’, one of the most iconic and relevant events in the United Kingdom. The regiments of the British Army and other countries of the Commonwealth of Nations parade before the watchful eyes of the English royals. In addition, the monarch’s birthday is also celebrated (although it does not coincide with his actual date of birth), a tradition established by King George II.

Nevertheless, has not been the only reason why all eyes were put into this act. Last Friday, June 14, Kate Middleton (42 years old) issued a statement in which she told how she was experiencing the evolution of the cancer that she suffers from and in which she revealed that she would be present at the famous parade. So it was. On Saturday we saw the Princess of Wales for the first time in six months.


The image of the entire royal family on the famous balcony of Buckingham Palace aroused emotion in the citizens. An affection that both Kate and Prince William (41 years old) wanted to thank, as well as the great effort of the regiments involved. “Thanks to everyone involved in ‘Trooping the Color‘. Always amazed by all the work that an afternoon like this entails,” they wrote on their official account. The big question is how the royal family would continue with their routine after this reappearance. We didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Guillermo’s radical change of attitude after Kate Middleton’s reappearance

Although the great protagonist (unfortunately) of recent months has been Kate Middleton, It has not been an easy situation for Prince William either.. In the events he has attended in recent months we have seen him more content and contrite than ever. An understandable attitude taking into account the delicate state of his wife and how that It’s affecting George, Charlotte and Louis.


However, since Kate Middleton reappeared last Saturday for ‘Trooping the Colour’, the future king’s attitude seems to have changed. This is what we have seen in the celebration of Garter Day, referring to the oldest order of chivalry from England. It was created 700 years ago by King Edward III and includes the monarch, the queen and other members of the English royal family.

During this event, we have seen the heir to the throne smiling and relaxed in a way we have not seen for months. We have been able to see him talking and whispering with several people, such as his uncle, Edward, Duke of Edinburgh. A sign that the brave step forward from his wife last weekend has offered him some relief.

Kate Middleton confesses what her true state of health is like

For weeks now It seemed very evident that Kate Middleton would not be part of ‘Trooping the colour’. When on March 22, the Princess of Wales published an honest video in which she revealed her illness, she made it more than clear that she needed privacy and tranquility to deal with this situation. That is why attend one of the most massive events and flashy London did not seem to fit with William’s wife’s wishes.

However, to everyone’s surprise, the young woman issued a statement urgently last Friday, June 14. “I have been blown away by all the kind messages of support and encouragement over the past few months. It has really made a big difference for Guillermo and I and has helped us both through some of the most difficult times,” he began. The reason? Announce that, against all odds, he would attend the celebrations, as well as the occasional event this summer. Unexpected, but highly desired, news that silenced speculation about when he would reappear.


And not only that. In this statement, the princess was encouraged to confess some aspects of her state of health. “I’m making a lot of progress, but as anyone who’s going through chemotherapy knows, there are good days and bad days. On those bad days you feel weak, tired, and You have to surrender to letting your body rest. But on good days, when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of feeling good. My treatment is ongoing and it will be for a few more months. On days when I feel well enough, it is a pleasure to get involved with school life, dedicate personal time to things that give me energy and positivity, in addition to starting to work a little from home“, she revealed, very sincere.

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