Possibility of reconciliation, pressure and why she did not give her opinion on politics: Fátima Florez spoke in depth about her relationship with Javier Milei

Possibility of reconciliation, pressure and why she did not give her opinion on politics: Fátima Florez spoke in depth about her relationship with Javier Milei
Possibility of reconciliation, pressure and why she did not give her opinion on politics: Fátima Florez spoke in depth about her relationship with Javier Milei

Written in SHOWS he 6/18/2024 · 10:15 a.m.

During last summer, Fatima Florez It was the cover of all the portals and magazines not only because her successful shows but also for her courtship with president Javier Milei.

At the time, many speculated that it was not a true romance but a campaign strategy. For their part, at the beginning of April, the couple announced that, although they had ended their relationshipthey had done it on very good terms.

Two months after the breakup, florez made an important public appearance in the Martín Fierro Radio Awards. In this context, the impersonator spoke with the members of In the afternoon (America) and there he answered a series of spicy questions.

What made you change your mind so that you now gave a note to a political journalist when, for many months, you did not want to speak? “It’s something totally respectable anyway,” he told him. Cora Debarbieri.

It’s not quite like that. In the summer I made many mobile phones. In fact, for yours I also made mobiles and notes. It’s not that I disappeared. That’s why I didn’t make the amount of notes that you were used to because of a matter of time,” the imitator responded, avoiding the topic.

There was also a note in Eldiario.ar that also ended in a way… you left crying. The journalist said there that there was a resistance on your part to talk about who your partner was“he added Luis Pineiro.

Ignoring the topic, florez He continued: “No, no resistance to answering any questions regarding who my partner was. She had simply come to make me a note. I had just finished the show and I kindly did it. It was not a note that was agreed upon. The note began to turn a little… you saw when they want to take you somewhere. I didn’t want to go there that much. The note was very correct“.

How are you now regarding this type of pressure? Are you more relieved since your relationship with Milei broke up?“he asked Karina Mazzocco.

Look, I never felt any kind of pressure from anything. I am a free woman. You know me, you know that I love my profession, that I love my job, that I enjoy being on stage. I never felt pressure. I think the pressure was put more on others. I simply fell in love with a person who is very famous or has an important position today.“he assured Fatima.

Is the relationship with Milei completely over? Could there be a second round?“the driver insisted.”I’m very well. The relationship is very good but nothing“said the impersonator.

Finally, getting to the point, the panel members asked him if she was still in love with the president. Sincere, florez answered: “No, I’m fine (alone)“.

You may also like: Flor de la V’s uncomfortable question to Fátima Florez about Javier Milei at the Martín Fierro de Radio 2024

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