the 7 key moments that have marked her ten years as heir to the throne

the 7 key moments that have marked her ten years as heir to the throne
the 7 key moments that have marked her ten years as heir to the throne

10 years ago, on June 19, 2014, Kings Felipe VI (56 years old) and Letizia (51 years old) They ascended the throne after the abdication of the now emeritus king Juan Carlos. A turn that represented a profound transformation of the Spanish Royal House. Since their arrival, the monarchs wanted to show a much more austere image, close to the citizens and transparent. A way to renew and modernize the institution of which they are part. However, this change did not only affect them.

It was also a decade ago when Leonor, the first-born of the kings, went from infanta to princess of Asturias, a title held by her father until the proclamation. This transformation not only changed the young woman’s rank, but also made her responsibilities and functions larger and more extensive. She was no longer second in line of succession, but the direct heir. The one that one day would represent all the citizens of the country.


Since that moment, the eldest daughter of Letizia and Felipe has faced several key moments that have forged her institutional role and in which she has made clear her total commitment to the Spanish Crown. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of her parents’ proclamation, we review these experiences that have been essential for the princess.

Princess Leonor’s first speech


If something has characterized Leonor’s life, it is that, despite being a princess, she has been an absent heir. Unlike other royal boys and girls, Felipe and Letizia’s daughters have kept very separate of public life until relatively recently. The reason is known to everyone. The queen wanted to ensure that her little ones could enjoy a peaceful and, as far as possible, normal childhood.

However, as the years passed, Leonor’s responsibilities became more and more unavoidable. That’s why, one of her most important moments was when she gave her first public speech. At just 13 years old, Infanta Sofía’s sister read article 1 of the Preliminary Title of the Constitution at the headquarters of the Cervantes Institute on his birthday, October 31, 2018.

One year later, on October 18, 2019, he made a speech again for the delivery of awards from the Princess of Asturias Foundation. “Today is a very important day in my life that I have been looking forward to. […] This moment will be unforgettable for me,” he said then.

Felipe VI awards the Golden Fleece to Princess Leonor


In 2018, Leonor lived a very important moment as a princess, but also as a daughter. On January 30, 2018, Felipe VI imposed the necklace of the Distinguished Order of the Golden Fleece, the highest decoration of the Spanish Royal House that can only be awarded by the monarch. In reality, the king had already granted her this symbol a few years before, in 2015, but it was not until the day of his 50th birthday that he wanted to decorate his daughter.

You will be permanently guided by the Constitution, fulfilling it and observing it. Your actions must be guided by the greatest sense of dignity and exemplarity, by honesty and integrity,” said Letizia’s husband. while giving this decoration to his first-born daughter.

Leonor starts a new life in Wales: her two years at UWC Atlantic College


When we had only seen her a dozen times, the princess Leonor headed to Wales to complete her baccalaureate international at UWC Atlantic College. This highly reputed boarding school, where some of the most important personalities have studied. This was a challenge for the young woman, since it was the first time that the heir to the throne lived alone outside her home.

As it could not be otherwise, the future queen managed to graduate successfully. Something she wanted to celebrate with her parents and her brother who traveled to Wales to be with her. In fact, this trip spread one of the most iconic images of the royal family: the most familiar selfie of the kings with their daughters, with which they showed that despite being part of this institution they were a very normal family.

Princess Leonor begins her military training


A requirement that the monarch of Spain must meet is to be the supreme command of the Armed Forces. That is why, to hold this position, the future king or queen must undergo military training in all three disciplines: the land army at the General Military Academy in Zaragoza, the Navy in Marín (Pontevedra) and the San Javier Air Academy in Murcia.

After graduating from the international baccalaureate at the UWC Atlantic College, Queen Sofia’s granddaughter entered the Zaragoza academy last summer to begin her military training. “It is a day that I will always remember for its deep meaning. and special. And that will accompany me the rest of my life,” Leonor wrote in the academy’s honor book.

Quite a challenge for the princess, during which she has faced situations outside her comfort zone, such as military maneuvers or official acts. One of the most important and symbolic is the flag oath that all cadets must take. The princess carried it out with talent and integrity, before the eyes of proud of her parents.

Leonor and Sofía, their first acts together


Throughout these 10 years as heir to the throne, Leonor has not been alone. In addition to her parents, who guide and help her in this endeavor, the future queen has extra support from her: her little sister, Sofia. Her life circumstances have made the young women They have been very close all their lives. Proof of this are the constant gestures, words and knowing looks that the sisters have dedicated to each other since they were little.

However, if something strengthened this relationship, it was their first solo acts together. Something that they will repeat tomorrow in honor of her father’s proclamation. In 2021, we saw them at first joint solo act for World Environment Day. Nervous, but determined with their task, Leonor and Sofía set an example of exquisite education.

The most recent occasion in which we saw the young women alone was last year, before the summer, on the occasion of the Princess of Girona Awards. Both paid a visit to ElBulli1846, where both were seen spontaneous and natural with each other. Accompanied by Ferrán Adrià, Leonor and Sofía discovered some of the most important milestones of El Bulli that have catapulted it to the top in the global gastronomic universe.

Leonor dazzles at the 2023 Princess of Asturias Awards


Just 10 days before turning 18, Princess Leonor faced one of her most important institutional events: the Princess of Asturias Awards. The young woman left her military uniform for a few days to dazzle us with its most elegant and sophisticated versionas well as mature and sober.

And, even though we had seen her at other events, it was at the presentation of these awards when we could clearly see her evolution. Not just in terms of her style, but in terms of her professionalism. Confident, firm and determinedthe first-born of the kings, embodied her role naturally.

Princess Leonor’s key day: her coming of age and the swearing in of the Constitution


And the day came. On October 31, 2023, the Spanish Royal House faced one of its most important days: Leonor, future queen, turned 18 years old. Something that, in the case of monarchs, is accompanied by another key fact: the swearing in of the Constitution. That’s how it is. The same day that she became of age, the first-born of the kings went to the Congress of Deputies to swear this constitutive text.

“I swear to faithfully carry out my duties, to keep and ensure that the Constitution and the laws are kept and to respect the rights of citizens and of the autonomous communities and loyalty to the king“Leonor said, somewhat nervous and excited. She then received the medals of honor from the Congress and the Senate and, right after, she gave her first speech as an adult woman.

“I owe myself, from today, to all the Spaniards. I will serve with all moment with respect and loyalty. There is no greater pride. On this important day that I will always remember with emotion, I ask you to trust me“As I have put all my trust in the future of our nation, in the future of Spain,” he said. A request, a declaration of intentions, but above all a clear demonstration of the great evolution that Leonor has experienced in this decade as Princess of Asturias.

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