Yanina Latorre revealed the alleged reason why Gerardo Rozin fought with Roberto Moldavsky: Carmela Bárbaro’s reaction

Yanina Latorre revealed the alleged reason why Gerardo Rozin fought with Roberto Moldavsky: Carmela Bárbaro’s reaction
Yanina Latorre revealed the alleged reason why Gerardo Rozin fought with Roberto Moldavsky: Carmela Bárbaro’s reaction

Written in TELEVISION he 6/19/2024 · 11:19 a.m.

Yanina Latorre revealed the reason why the relationship between Gerardo Rozin and Roberto Moldavsky did not end on the best terms. Days ago, the comedian spoke in Bondi with Ángel De Brito and boasted of being a good friend of the producer, which was denied by his ex-partner, Carmela Bárbaro.

During Tuesday night, Latorre told details of the reasons that led Rozín to distance himself from the comedian. “He almost discovered him and introduced him to Yankelevich. The three of them started working and formed a company.”said Yanina. Given these words, Carmela, who was invited to the program, responded, “I don’t know.”

Yanina added: “I understand that in society 33% corresponded to each one, but over time it became 50% for Yankelevich, 40% for Moldavsky and 10% for Gerardo. After what happened with Gerardo, Moldavsky was sought out and he responded ‘I’m not going to respond with mine’. She pulled away at a very particular moment.”

Bárbaro and Gerardo married and had a daughter, Helena. Although the couple’s relationship did not work out, they remained very close until the producer’s last moment. Carmela revealed: “She left me tasks, because there were many things that I couldn’t solve, whether due to lack of time, energy or desire. For Gerardo, money was not important; “He always prioritized his ties.”

The journalist also contradicted the comedian and stated that Gerardo’s children do not have the close bond that Moldavsky described. “My daughter doesn’t know him, I don’t know what connection she could talk about. As far as I know, she did not speak with Pedro and did not speak again”, Carmela detailed.

The former little angel was upset with the details that Roberto told in the streaming that Ángel hosts and said: “I think he should not talk about those things. But it also has to do with being away from his children; If he had been close to him, if he had cared about him, he would know that he had to be taken care of and that he had to continue taking care of them.

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