Flor de la V located María Fernanda Callejón after her confusing explanation about what happened with Ricky Diotto

Flor de la V located María Fernanda Callejón after her confusing explanation about what happened with Ricky Diotto
Flor de la V located María Fernanda Callejón after her confusing explanation about what happened with Ricky Diotto

“I feel like nothing has ever been clarified since I reported my ex for gender violence, they know me and that is proven. I reported violence when I could, how I could, I was a victim and Diotto is accused”the actress expressed firmly about the rumors she hears about the complaint against her ex-partner.

And he emphasized: “In this country the victim becomes the victimizer, I don’t understand, for me it’s not a joke. There are many things that I can’t talk about because there is a fine.”

Then, Alley He remembered an episode he experienced V flower with information that bothered her: “Flor, with a hand on my heart, I have seen you angry if I remember correctly on that channel when Ventura (Luis) It sullied your good name and honor and I have seen you come in desperate with shit… with a bang.”

To which the driver instantly clarified that they are not similar situations: “It’s not the same, you’re lying. You can’t compare that situation because it’s not even close. It was different because what they were saying was all a lie.”

“Many people there lied, they have been hitting me for two years, it is a national sport. Karina (Iavícoli) “He has lied many times, and I say it with all due respect,” insisted Maria Fernanda Alley.

“Do you know what’s happening? If you’re saying that a person you reported and is accused of violence, because you just confirmed it, and this magazine Caras, who are your friends, invite him to the party. Are you telling me that everything is Well? Does that seem ethical to you? And you come to question what we do in my program… the driver responded in a firm tone.

And he continued on that topic: “It is not ethical that they invite the guy that you reported and is accused and put him in the same party as you. That seems to me to be unethical.”

“We never crossed paths (at the party) and at one point they told me to take a photo of the four of them (both with their partners) and I said, ‘of course’ for my daughter. I know who I am and how I have behaved with you. If you go to my source, you will always find an answer and if I don’t give it, it’s because I have judicial issues and I can’t.”explained the actress, tired of some information that appears in the media.

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María Fernanda Callejón spoke after the scandalous mobile phone with LAM: “It seemed like verbal and media violence to me”

María Fernanda Callejón starred in a tense mobile from the Colon Theater for the cycle LAM, America TVwhere he decided to end the communication in a surprising way after crossing paths with the little angels.

ScoopsNow He contacted exclusively with the actress who referred to what happened on the air and clarified why she said the amount of the 65 thousand pesos that they offered her to participate in the program she hosts. Angel de Brito.

“The money is handled by my manager. I always dedicate myself to the artistic part, I don’t even talk about money. I had run before (the news) that I asked a fortune to go to LAM and when I was there I didn’t get paid, I spent a PNT”, commented the artist.

And he explained about it: “People there don’t know everything that goes to a television program entails. I live in the North Zone, it really is a trip and I have to put together logistics to be able to go, pay a babysitter to take care of my daughter at a scheduled time. complicated, like any mother I try to put everything together.

“It’s a lot of things, you have to produce yourself, put together your look, do your hair, things that people out there don’t know that you do to spend one or two hours on a television show. There is a cost of gas, parking. Of course there are a lot of people who do not have 65 thousand pesos and I am aware of that,” continuous María Fernanda Callejón.

And he made it clear: “I approached the note at the Colón with humor and looking at Monday’s newspaper I shouldn’t have given them the note. Once I left (from mobile) They didn’t stop defaming me in every possible way. I asked myself: Why would they want me to go? (to the ground) If they detest me and denigrate me? “It is very typical of little angels to denigrate women.”

“I wasn’t angry, I was giving an opinion and they were the ones who got angry. They (for the little angels) they got mad. Give your cell phone because when you don’t give it to them they kill you for a week. I decided to be nice and clarified about the money. What would be an exorbitant sum as stated? 65 thousand pesos? And I know that there are many people who don’t have it, but that’s why I work from home, that’s why I said I don’t go out. Plus the actor discounts, what would go for 20 thousand pesos? That’s why I stay at home enjoying with my daughter,” the actress highlighted.

“Besides, why would I go? To sit there and get destroyed? Who were the ones who got angry? LAM or me? It seems to me that it’s the other way around, but it sells the day of fury or getting angry. I have everything “the right of the world to defend me when they attack me. I prefer to be on the defensive and not be rude, rude or disrespectful like they were to me, treating me as a liar and that I am worthless.”he explained.

Regarding the message in social networks Angel de Brito highlighting that “it’s not even worth 65 cents” her participation in the program after crossing with the little angels, the actress commented: “What a pity it wasn’t there so we could have a back-and-forth face to face. On your cell phone you half-listen to the questions or you don’t see who is talking to you. If he (Angel de Brito) He was offended, it is his right, it is not his right to denigrate a person, to say that I am not worth 65 cents. No one is told that, that is misogyny, lowering the value of the other person, not to mention a man to a woman. It seems very unhappy and unfortunate to denigrate a woman like this. Saying that you’re not worth two dollars seems a bit harsh to me.”

“I didn’t get angry, I got upset, they spoke to me as if they were the barefoot Carmelites and the shamelessness they do to everyone from that program is public knowledge. I am a professional and was always very respectful of all the media. It seemed like verbal violence to me. and the media to say that I am worthless, it is very strong”, He commented on the crossing with the little angels.

“I’m going to be 58 years old, I don’t mess with anyone, I earned everything by working since I was 14 years old. I don’t lie and if I lied at some point with my separation it was to preserve my daughter. I sit down to speak on a program because if they hire me and the driver asks me, I have to answer. Respect is the basis of everything and I did not disrespect anyone. I was never disrespectful, let them tell it how they want and I also do what I am doing now. he pointed out.

“Streaming is a beautiful challenge, a fun and transformative program and it is not good that they lower the value of things. I am especially surprised by Cinthia who raised the flag of asking for her food quota, it is at the very least strange that she talks about LAM me hunger killed and I don’t have a penny. No, it’s not like that, I work, I have my life and I am a lioness and I support my family, which is my daughter. I work hard every day and being a mother is also a job. Pay attention that another woman says all that, the doublespeak must be reviewed. It seems to me that she is the angry or upset one.”pointed directly against the comments of Cinthia Fernandez about her.

“In addition to being sharp, I felt they were very offended by what I was saying and I was telling my truth and position. I didn’t have any nights of fury, I had a great time at the Colón with my love (Fernando Gamboa). It’s not that I couldn’t sleep that day, not at all. I send you a lot of love and to continue doing your job, speaking badly about people is your job, I don’t see it that way, we are all working.”finished Alley.

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