The British press analyzes Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía after the anniversary of the proclamation and points out a single detail

The British press analyzes Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía after the anniversary of the proclamation and points out a single detail
The British press analyzes Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía after the anniversary of the proclamation and points out a single detail

This June 19 will go down in the history of the Spanish monarchy for different reasons. This is the tenth anniversary of the proclamation of Felipe VI (56 years old) as King of Spain. The events have left different details that demonstrate the unity of the royal family. Nevertheless, The British press wanted to highlight the nervousness that Princess Leonor (18 years old) and Infanta Sofía (17 years old) had with that jump in protocol that they have had.

We are already accustomed to the international press publishing different articles about everything that happens in our country with the Spanish Royal House. Furthermore, when it came to the reason that was even more so. That is why the day has left different anecdotes that have marked this important day, in addition to signifying the confirmation of the good harmony that exists between the couple and their two daughters.

The British press highlights the nervousness of Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia

Different international media have discussed different issues related to the anniversary of the proclamation of the Spanish monarch. Some of them have spoken solely and exclusively of the acts themselvesdescribing them and explaining the meaning, since different events are celebrated in each country that need to clarify certain details for those who are outside their borders.

The British press has not missed this opportunity and the publication ‘Hello!’ has prepared an article highlighting different moments of this important day in our country. Among their writing they wanted to highlight one of the moments that will go down in history. The one in which Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía have broken protocolalthough with his mother’s permission it seems, to make a speech.

This has been one of the great moments of the day, since no one expected this appearance of Letizia’s daughters to thank their father for the work he is doing with the monarchy. That is why from the aforementioned publication they have wanted to reproduce the entire content of Leonor and Sofía’s speech. However, they have highlighted a very significant detail such as nervousness that the heiress had before beginning her speech, based on the looks she was making in order to surprise Felipe.

However, the Princess of Asturias is already seasoned in this type of battle, despite the emotional addition that that moment had. In any case, there are many speeches that she has made and many times that she has had to go through that situation. Furthermore, having the support of her sister next to her and her mother through her knowing gaze, made everything much easier to be able to achieve your goal which was none other than to thrill Queen Sofia’s son.

The British press highlights the complicity of the royal family

In the same article they wanted to review everything that happened in these proclamation events, focusing especially on those that took place in the morning. As if it were their own ‘Trooping the colour’, they have analyzed everything that happened in the smallest detail to be able to make a list of aspects which for us are beginning to be common in the events attended by Spanish monarchs.

For the aforementioned British media, the complicity that Felipe and Leonor have shown with the different perspectives they have had is very important. In addition, it must be remembered that the cameras have captured a moment in which both say something in each other’s ears and immediately begin to smile. The English have appreciated this gesture to value it in their article with the confidences between king and future queen. In fact, they define it as “sweet exchange” of glances.


On the other hand, they have also talked about the speech that Felipe Vi made. On this occasion they did not want to reproduce the entire content of his speech but they did appreciate a very relevant detail. Its about pride of the rest of your family while the son of the emeritus king intoned his phrases. “His family looked at him with pride” is the exact phrase with which they have praised these looks among themselves.

Finally, they have not overlooked the moment when Felipe, Letizia, Leonor and Sofía came out to the balcony of the Royal Palace to say hello. The British have pointed out the wide smile with which all the members were in that place, as can be seen in most of the images. In any case, it is not the same type of event but they have very recently had the parade for the birthday of King Carlos III, a mirror in which to look at themselves and be able to compare the different situations that occur in one country and another.

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