The Kings surprise their daughters and the group of young people with whom they visited the Royal Collections

The Kings surprise their daughters and the group of young people with whom they visited the Royal Collections
The Kings surprise their daughters and the group of young people with whom they visited the Royal Collections

King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia surprised the Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía during the visit they were making with a group of young people their age to the Royal Collections Gallery within the framework of the events organized to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the proclamation of Felipe VI. Although the event was planned to be carried out alone by the two daughters of the Kings, they wanted to surprise both them and the young people who accompanied them, a group of forty young people between 17 and 21 years old, winners of the contest ” What is a king for you?”. Thus, they appeared while the entire group was contemplating a painting of King Carlos III, the favorite of Felipe VI, who has precisely another image of this monarch in his office in the Zarzuela Palace, and they accompanied them on the rest of the tour. . The King came without a tie while the Queen again wore flat sandals, like this morning, because she has a broken toe on her right foot. The young people who attended the visit participated in the 32nd and 29th editions of the contest organized by the Spanish Institutional Foundation (FIES) and already had the opportunity to be with King Felipe VI when the prizes were awarded. The writer María Dueñas, author of ‘The Time Between Seams’, acted as master of ceremonies and accompanied the Princess of Asturias, the Infanta and the rest of the group during the visit. Several National Heritage mediators have also accompanied them to offer them the pertinent explanations. Upon arrival at the building, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía took a photo with the guests, who were already prepared for the occasion, after which the group dissolved and the first exchanges of words took place. those present with the daughters of the Kings. The tour of the exhibition was carried out without the presence of the press. In the images released by Zarzuela, Leonor and Sofía are seen carefully following the explanations of some of the works they have observed and also talking with some of the young people. The Gallery, located next to the Royal Palace which has been the epicenter of all the celebrations, opened its doors more than a year ago and brings together more than 650 pieces from the Royal Collections, including works by Velázquez, Goya and Caravaggio as well as sculptures, furniture and decorative objects. PROTAGONISM OF THE PRINCESS AND THE INFANTA The daughters of the Kings have thus been the protagonists of a solo act, something unusual, with which they wanted to highlight the role that they and their generation are called to play. Felipe VI himself mentioned this issue in the speech he gave during the awarding of the Order of Civil Merit to 19 Spaniards for their services to others. Thus, at one point, he highlighted that in these ten years of reign the Queen and he have had “the growing support” of her daughters. “We also want this to be a special anniversary for them,” he said. Together with the young people of his generation, Don Felipe highlighted, “they have begun to live and understand, with the necessary critical spirit and eagerness to learn, the realities of our collective life and the complex dynamics of the world.” The Princess of Asturias and her sister undoubtedly starred in one of the most memorable moments of the day, when they surprised the Kings with a toast during the lunch they offered at the Royal Palace. Both have praised the example that they have set for them in these ten years, highlighting that from them they have learned “what commitment to all Spaniards means” and both have taught them “the value of the Crown, its usefulness for our society and its purpose of serving all.

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