Felipe VI and Letizia, very spontaneous, once again skip protocol for this emotional reason

Felipe VI and Letizia, very spontaneous, once again skip protocol for this emotional reason
Felipe VI and Letizia, very spontaneous, once again skip protocol for this emotional reason

Last Wednesday, June 19, the Spanish royal family lived one of his most intense days and special: the tenth anniversary of the proclamation of Felipe VI and Letizia as king. The monarchs and their daughters held several events to commemorate these 10 years on the throne. In the morning we saw them presiding over a reception at the Royal Palace after observing the changing of the Royal Guard and enjoying a lunch with some surprises.

In the afternoon, Princess Leonor (18 years old) and Infanta Sofía (16 years old) carried out their act alone. The day ended with the attendance of the kings at the concert performed by the Music Unit of the Royal Guard and the Lebanese violinist Ara Malikian and the projection of a videomapping.

Although there were many anecdotes and details that caught the attention of citizens, If something caught everyone’s attention it was like the kings and his daughters broke protocol. First it was the sisters, who surprised their parents with an unexpected toast and, that same afternoon, it was Felipe and Letizia who left the rules aside and appeared by surprise at the event with their daughters. Something that they seem to have taken a liking to because today, Just one day later, they did it again.

Kings Felipe and Letizia skip protocol again for this powerful reason

It was during their new appearance that we were able to see Felipe and Letizia forget the rules for a moment. The monarchs have inaugurated the exhibition ‘Philip VI: a decade of the history of the Crown of Spain’, hosted and organized by National Heritage, the Permanent Deputation of the Greatness of Spain and Titles of the Kingdom and the Cultural Foundation of the Spanish Nobility.


The kings have arrived at the Royal Palace of Madrid very smiling and satisfied after the success the day before to observe this exhibition, which covers in images the first 10 years of Felipe’s reign. During the tour, we have seen the monarchs profess gestures of affection and share knowing laughter. Proof that your Marriage is at its best.

While looking at the photographs, the kings stopped the walk to greet, very effusively, one of the guests. Who is it about? Why did they want to skip protocol for her? Well, that woman is neither more nor less than Carmen Iglesias, a historian who was the monarch’s teacher in the subject of History. She told it herself on May 15 when he received the Medal of San Isidro.


“The only private class I gave, I gave to the then Prince of Asturias. He was a wonderful student. On the occasion of the 10 years of reign We are going to collaborate as much as we can because ten years provide many moments and things that are worth remembering. I see the King as wonderful, serene, strong, kind… He is an empathetic, good and intelligent person.“explained Carmen, remembering her years as a teacher. She also had no qualms about talking about Princess Leonor, future queen.

Letizia was the first to approach, giving her two kisses and squeezing her in his arms. Iglesias, very smiling, responded to the hug with affection. “She is wonderful, charming and very affectionate with people,” she revealed. Then it was the king’s turn. Felipe has gently grabbed the hands of his former teacher. After speaking with her for several minutes, the monarch continued with the event. Some gestures from both of them that no one expected and with those who have shown that they have no problem continuing to surprise us with their naturalness.

Felipe and Letizia take a step forward: they launch their official Instagram profile

When we already believed that the acts of tribute to the 10 years of the proclamation had finished, Felipe and Letizia have taken a step forward as a final culmination: they have opened their official Instagram profile. That’s how it is. As almost all European royal houses do, The Spanish royal family already has a speaker in social networks. A way to get even closer to citizens and be more transparent about their actions.

The account has launched with two key publications. On the one hand, a carousel of photographs that we had not seen from the previous day. “Service, commitment and duty, the three pillars of my performance as King“, it was written, before giving thanks for the affection of the previous day and sharing its objectives: “A decade later, we renew our commitment to the defense of constitutional values ​​and to the service of the Spanish people; That has been, is and always will be our duty. Thank you all for joining us on such a special day,” he says goodbye.

On the other hand, the second publication is a video compilation of the most important moments of the anniversary of the proclamation. “Thanks with all my heart for joining us yesterday,” they thanked us again, while one of the pieces by the Lebanese violinist Ara Malikian played.

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