This was the clash between Alicia Machado and El Puma (+videos)

The uncomfortable moment generated reactions among the rest of the participants, who highlighted not only El Puma’s career but also his age.

Courtesy | Venezuelans had something to talk about in the recent edition of Top Chef VIP 3

Pressure and stress grows among the Top Chef VIP 3 contestants as the competition progresses.

On this occasion, it has been Alicia Machado and “El Puma” who have starred in a tense episode that has given a lot to talk about on social networks. And solidarity inside and outside the program leans towards the Pavoreal singer.

It all started with a question that the former Miss Universe asked chef Belén Alonso regarding a doubt she had about the test that both had to face as a couple and that apparently the renowned Venezuelan singer did not think was appropriate.

“Kindergarten has already started,” he said.

The comment did not sit well with the Venezuelan actress and businesswoman and she let it be known. “Let’s see Puma, you and I are going to start competing so I have every right to ask whatever I want and I need you to listen to me in this challenge,” she told him with excitement.

“Alicia, don’t start inventing strange things,” El Puma asked her.

To which Machado responded: “You don’t start inventing strange things either and I want you to listen to me because I don’t want to lose.”

The situation became even more tense. “Are you scolding me?” the singer asked him, according to the People en Español review.

“No, I am telling you and warning you,” Machado made it clear.

The singer couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “No no no. Not like that Alice. Relax,” he asked her.

The uncomfortable moment generated reactions among the rest of the participants, who highlighted not only El Puma’s career but also his age.

“You have to accept Alicia as she is, but in this case it started off badly…”, declared El Puma once the challenge was over.

“When people receive an order, they take it as an offense or as an attack and that is not the case and at this point in the competition, what a shame, but I want to win,” Machado highlighted.

During her speech, the former miss said that she always received out of place comments when she tried to ask a question.

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