“I lived in Mexico and Türkiye, but in Chile I feel at home; Chileans are warm”

“I lived in Mexico and Türkiye, but in Chile I feel at home; Chileans are warm”
“I lived in Mexico and Türkiye, but in Chile I feel at home; Chileans are warm”

Melina Noto has become one of the great revelations of Chilean television. The Argentine, a recurring figure on TNT Sports, achieved notoriety at the last Viña Festival, where even She was classified as the new Tonka Tomicic, and now he is preparing for another challenge on open television.

Channel 13 recruited her to be part of their team in the Copa América, and she will be in charge of hosting the match previews alongside Ignacio Valenzuela. Both will also be accompanied by two former members of the “Golden Generation”, Gonzalo Jara and Marcelo Díaz. An opportunity that confirms 2024 as the definitive takeoff of his career.

– What does the opportunity to be on open TV and in an event as important as the Copa América mean to you?

– It is one of the most important moments I have had in my career throughout these years, if not the most important. I think it competes with having gone to the World Cup, but in a different context, since I went as a spectator and now I am as a communicator. This moment would be the most important milestone of my career so far. I live it with a lot of emotion, anxiety and expectations for everything that is coming.

– Do you currently feel fulfilled in your work and life in Chile?

– Yes, I’m happy. I don’t know how these opportunities and challenges arise that put me in extreme situations full of adrenaline, but they are very entertaining. Overall, I think I’m in a great place. Despite some personal issues, I think that in the workplace and in my current life, I am in an excellent moment.

– Have you ever thought about the option of living and working in another country other than Chile or Argentina or do you see it as very distant?

– I lived in Mexico and Türkiye. In Mexico, when I was 18 years old, I was very young and I didn’t adapt. I returned to Argentina, and later, when I emigrated to Chile, I felt that I liked it. I think I’m staying here. Then, I had a job opportunity with a modeling agency that took me to Istanbul, but I didn’t adapt either; I felt very far away. I think Chileans are very warm in many ways, that’s why I feel at home here. I feel a special closeness with Argentina, mainly because we are neighboring countries and share many similarities.

– Why do you think you have managed to connect so well with the Chilean public and how has that relationship been developed?

– I think something very very organic and very genuine, that’s why this dynamic arises. There are people who choose to live in a country. I think that the second option is super brave, that is, choosing to be in a place that is not your place of origin, is putting yourself in discomfort and putting yourself in a constant challenge and I feel that I have always been grateful that that challenge for me was not so difficult because I felt that they made it easy for me, I always had friends, they always had their doors open for me, so I have nothing but one other thing to thank Chile for and all the opportunities that they have given me so much so I think that in that way Genuine is that one also ends up connecting with the public, because they know that the other person’s gratitude is also perfect.

– You had to be at the Viña 2024 Festival: what was the most challenging part of that experience?

– Interviewing Andrea Bocelli was an emotional challenge for me, as I was trying not to cry. At first, I thought I would never get the opportunity. I was with her companion, who told me: ‘Yes, yes, ask her a question.’ I felt like Andrea wanted to chat all afternoon, and I would have stayed up talking all night. But, at one point, they told me that enough was enough and that the interview was over. I think it was one of the most memorable concerts. I have been lucky enough to attend the last four festivals broadcast by Channel 13. This was, without a doubt, the most exciting and moving show. Interviewing the artist who made us vibrate was incredible. Realizing Andrea’s humility, despite her being one of the biggest stars in the world, was shocking.

– It seems like you spend a lot of time on screen: what your life and routine are like outside of work

“What life? —She says between laughs—. On weekends I try to disconnect as much as possible and do things that I like, like going to the stadium. My AS friends have seen me there frequently. I also enjoy spending time in nature, trekking and climbing the hills. However, I spend a lot of my time studying and in front of a screen, so my social life is somewhat limited.

– What is your favorite place in Chile?

El Cajón del Maipo, there it is, my love.

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