Julieta Poggio’s fun vacation with friends in Iguazú – GENTE Online

Julieta Poggio’s fun vacation with friends in Iguazú – GENTE Online
Julieta Poggio’s fun vacation with friends in Iguazú – GENTE Online

Julieta Poggio (22), the actress, dancer, host and former finalist of Big Brotherdecided to take advantage of the XL weekend to take a fun vacation with her friends in the jungle city of Iguazú, in the province of Misiones.

Julieta Poggio on vacation in Iguazú. Photo: social networks.

Staying in an international hotel with an infinity pool and mega views, Juli Poggio and her friends were invited to explore all the circuits of the Iguazú National Park. Between laughter and adventures, the group marveled at the majestic falls, one of the seven natural wonders of the world.

In addition, they enjoyed an exciting boat ride that allowed them to get wet with the water of the falls, an experience that left them all delighted and in which they were able to record a large number of videos to upload to their social networks.

The trip also included meeting the local fauna, as Julieta and her friends were amazed to see monkeys, coaties and toucans. The excitement of discovering these animals in their natural habitat added a special touch to her adventure.

Surrounded by so much nature, Julieta couldn’t help but express her pride in the beauty of her country. “My country,” she wrote on her social networks, accompanying the phrase with images of the spectacular landscapes of Iguazú.

This was undoubtedly a well-deserved rest for the GH panelist who this week experienced Furia’s unexpected departure from the most famous house in the country, with less than two weeks left until the long-awaited finale.

In turn, when GH completely ends, Julieta, during these winter holidays, will be in charge of a spectacular show for the little ones. It will be titled “Zoom, get closer”, and she will be accompanied by Lolo Poggio – her sister – and the dancer Julián Marín. This musical will be aimed at the youngest members of the family and is expected to be a success.

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