A media woman revealed her hot past with Barbano, Marina Calabro’s ex: “Sexy”

A media woman revealed her hot past with Barbano, Marina Calabro’s ex: “Sexy”
A media woman revealed her hot past with Barbano, Marina Calabro’s ex: “Sexy”

A media figure acknowledged in the last few hours that he was sending hot audios to Rolando Barbanothe journalist Radio Miter who was dating Marina Calabro and that was the protagonist of a true media scandal. “It was all very sexy, I said ‘Barbano, I’m waiting for you here’“, revealed the vedette in question.

For many months there was speculation and rumors about the relationship between Rolando Barbano and Marina Calabrotwo journalists who are part of Wool without filter (Radio Miter) for several years now. Themselves They confirmed their relationship a while ago, but it did not last long and the scandal ended up exploding during the Martín Fierro radio, where both won a statuette. While Calabro mentioned Barbano in his thank-you speech, the journalist did not do the same, which caused a very tense situation between them.

Obviously, this situation was echoed in the entertainment programs and it was one of the most talked about topics of the week. That is why the revelation of a well-known vedette in Intruders (America TV), who said that he had a kind of relationship with Barbano in the past. It is nothing less than Monica Farro.

It all came about when Guido Záffora asked the star: “Rolando didn’t like you?“.”Yeah! There was a story that Marina (Calabró), for years, sent me little messages telling me to send her an audio that they would then play to Barbano on the radio and fuck him up, with Lanata” Farro recalled.

It was all very sexy, I said ‘Barbano, I’m waiting for you here’, for years it was like that, it was very funny. It happened a long time ago. I don’t know what they said to him on the radio, but I think they screwed him because I would be like his fantasy. And he sent him audios but I didn’t know who he was, I didn’t know his face either, but they were sexy things. It was funny, jokingly“Mónica Farro closed, laughing.

What Marina Calabró says about Rolando Barbano in private was leaked: “No”

The controversy between Marina Calabro and Rolando Barbano does not stop growing. After the uncomfortable situation that was experienced on the air on Martín Fierro de Radio, speculations about the future of the relationship did not stop arising. However, in the midst of the controversy, the peculiar way in which the journalist addresses her partner in private came to light.

It was Jorge Rial who got into the topic during this Wednesday’s broadcast of Argenzuelacycle that leads by Radio 10. The famous journalist put aside his political profile, which he opted for in recent years, and provided exclusive information about the great scandal affecting show business.

First of all, Rial made sure to make the truth about the relationship clear and assured: “They are not together. Listen to me. They are not”. After providing this information, which already generated controversy, the journalist continued to tell what Calabró says about Barbano in private, That is, when she does not have cameras or microphones in front of her to encourage her to talk about the subject.

Marina says ‘He doesn’t deserve me and he didn’t close anything he told me.’ They were the two phrases that she repeated tirelessly since this happened, “ revealed the former driver of Intruders about Marina’s strong statements. Finally, he stated when referring to Barbano, who wanted to opt for a lower profile since the scandal occurred: “Boys, please, everyone likes it. Television has that power that is unconcealable.”

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