The details of Princess Leonor’s first summer vacation away from her parents, Kings Felipe VI and Letizia

The details of Princess Leonor’s first summer vacation away from her parents, Kings Felipe VI and Letizia
The details of Princess Leonor’s first summer vacation away from her parents, Kings Felipe VI and Letizia

After a year the sea of ​​intense and after the busy day for the tenth anniversary After the proclamation of Felipe VI (56 years old) and Letizia (51 years old), the royal family sets its sights on the upcoming summer holidays. Every year the kings and their daughters head to the Marivent Palace in Mallorca, where they delight us with their summer pose and rumors arise (as it could not be otherwise) about whether they will appear or not. the rest of the royal members, such as the infantas Elena and Cristina.

However, it is very likely that this year there will be something new. Which? Apparently, Princess Leonor (18 years old) would like to enjoy a few days of vacation on your own, away from her parents. This was announced by Alejandro Entrambasaguas in the ‘Fiesta’ program, where he offered all the details of what will be a milestone in the relationship between the heir to the throne and her parents.


According to the journalist, “two weeks ago, Leonor had a conversation with her parents in which the possibility of spending this summer with his group of friends from the General Military Academy of Zaragoza was raised, which are the ones we saw in the aforementioned kissing of hands on October 12,” he explained.

What are Princess Leonor’s vacation plans?

Entrambasaguas has indicated that the future queen would be evaluating “three scenarios” for these summer vacations with friends, specifically between 5 and 8. Three locations located in Spain in which Princess Leonor could enjoy a few days of leisure and freedom. “There are three locations in which there are houses of his classmates“, Alejandro said. And what are these locations? The reporter for Emma García’s program has listed them, one by one.

“The first in Rota, next to the military base and next to a very well-known golf course,” he explained before adding the following: “The second, next to La Barrosa beach, between Santic Petri and Roche It is possible that the house is located near Conil de la Frontera“. The last location shares a characteristic with the previous two: it is in a coastal area. “And the third, which may be the definitive one, an urbanization in Cabo de Palos, in Cartagena“.


This last location It would be the most appropriate for security reasons.since the King’s House would be “relatively easy to control because it is full of coves and it is easier to take care of the princess in a cove than on La Barrosa beach, which is kilometers long,” the journalist explained.

This vacation would last “a long weekend, that is, a most common summer getaway” during “the second half of July.” At the moment there has been no confirmation nor is it known which option will be chosen, but according to Entrambasaguas “it is very complicated” for it to be carried out. Still, “there is no closed scenario “because a few days ago” a security team from the house of the king in the urbanization of the house of Cabo de Palos”

The summer getaway that could sadden Kings Felipe VI and Letizia

The possibility of Princess Leonor taking a getaway with friends began to be considered a few weeks ago. ‘Week’ she already pointed out that The young woman could be considering taking this vacation briefly with his classmates from the General Military Academy to say goodbye definitively. It is reasonable to think that, after spending a year barely separating, they will now all embark on different paths. “He has a closer group, but in general it gets along well with everythings,” the princess’s entourage would have said, according to the aforementioned media.

Although this type of vacation is common for young people the princess’s age and her parents are happy to see their daughter fully integrated, this getaway could sadden Felipe and Letizia. The reason is that, after a year apart Due to their educational obligations, it would not be surprising if the monarchs wanted to spend more time with their daughters before they both leave again.

And before September, Leonor will have already embarked on her new adventure: the Marín Naval Academy, in Pontevedra. In this way, after an entire year away from her family and focused on her training, the young woman would not have as much time as other summers to spend with her family. Even so, There is no doubt that Leonor will find time to travel to Mallorca with his parents and his sister, like every year, to give us the now iconic royal pose.

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