“Because I am your mother, I would not take a single step back” – Publimetro Chile

“Because I am your mother, I would not take a single step back” – Publimetro Chile
“Because I am your mother, I would not take a single step back” – Publimetro Chile

The actress who was in United States for custody of his son, reappeared on social networks with an emotional message for the minor’s birthday. “Hello my Good People, it’s been so long. “I am already landing in our Chile,” Swett began by pointing out on his Instagram account.

“I need to come here because first I want to thank each and every one of you for the love and support you have given me, and even more strongly, in these last few months. I always see them and they are always there, and when I haven’t been able to come, because life turns out as it turns out, and I come back… they are still here, with me. Would you be surprised to know that they have been very important to me? Much more important than you could imagine,” said the actress.

“Thank you for not letting me go.”

“I am strong because I continue! But you together have a Tremendous strength, which I truly feel lucky to be able to receive with open arms. They are good, pious people and much more generous than many who call themselves close. I love. For those who stayed… Thank you for not letting me go.”

Mane Swett added that “today is the most important day of my life and I am here so far away. Today my son was born, today June 27th is his birthday. My Kitten is already a Cat because he turned 12 and I am also a tremendous mother, having already been his Mother for almost 13 years. We are grown up. And we continue!..I love you Son. For being your mother, I would not take a single step back.”

A few weeks ago the star of “Tell me who you are with” suffered a severe setback in the New York courtafter the judge in charge of the case determined that absolute custody of the minor remains in the hands of his father, John Bowe.

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