How anger can affect your health according to experts

There are many situations that can trigger anger.which can range from having an argument with a loved one or a co-worker to not meeting a planned personal goal.

Feeling this emotion is normal. However, when it is frequent or remains for too long, it can generate negative effects both on the mental health as physical.

In fact, different investigations and specialists have warned that can cause damage to the heart, brain and gastrointestinal system.

These are the damages that uncontrolled anger can cause to your health, according to specialists. Photo: reference.

Research published in May 2024 in the Journal of the American Heart Association concluded that anger may increase risk of heart attackbecause it alters the functioning of blood vessels.

To specify their findings, the authors of the study analyzed the impact of anger, anxiety and sadness on the heart.

Under that premise, They brought together three different groups and asked them to do activities designed to make them feel those respective emotions..

Then, examined the functioning of blood vessels of the participants.

Upon reviewing the results, they saw that those who did the anger-related activities had a worse flow compared to the others.

The lead author and medical scholar at Columbia University, Daichi Shimbo, explained in statements recovered by The Wall Street Journal: “We speculate that, over time, if you’re getting these chronic insults to your arteries because you get very angry, that will put you at risk for heart disease.”.

On the other hand, the specialist doctor at the Cleveland Clinic, Stephen Lupe, told the aforementioned media that Although the effects that anger can generate on the gastrointestinal system are still being studied, Anger contributes to the production of certain proteins and hormones that increase inflammation.

When the latter is chronic, that is, it continues for a prolonged period of time, it can increase the risk of suffering from numerous addition to problems such as constipation, bloating or stomach pain.

Along with it, Brain and cognitive function can also be damaged when anger is frequent or lasts longer than expected..

Rush University Chicago psychiatrist Joyce Tam told the Wall Street Journal that Anger, in these conditions, can affect parts of said organ that are related to attention, control, the ability to regulate emotions, learning and memory..

These are the damages that uncontrolled anger can cause to your health, according to specialists. Photo: reference.

As mentioned above, Feeling angry is normal. However, attention should be paid to when limits are crossed that are no longer healthy..

In this sense, the psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, Antonia Seligowski, stated to the aforementioned media that It is important to learn to differentiate between a brief episode of anger and a chronic state of this emotion.

“If you have an angry conversation or get angry from time to time, that falls into normal human experience. When a negative emotion is prolonged, when you are actually having it much longer and perhaps more intensely, that’s where it’s bad for your health”, he stressed.

To deal with such situations, suggested going to therapy or doing breathing exercises.

In the same way, the Cleveland Clinic expert recommended trying methods such as meditation or mindfulness to learn to control anger.

Of course, he emphasized that emotion should not be repressedbecause that can increase its intensity.

Therefore, he said that If you are angry with another person, instead of resorting to actions such as yelling at them, you can explain what is bothering you or ask them to give you their support..

It is worth remembering that If you have doubts about your health, it is always advisable to consult with a specialist to evaluate your case. and the best ways to approach it.

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