CIAM is committed to preventive medicine to improve the health of Guatemalans

CIAM is committed to preventive medicine to improve the health of Guatemalans
CIAM is committed to preventive medicine to improve the health of Guatemalans

CIAM’s latest program focuses on preventing disease and promoting the health of patients at different stages of life.

Guatemala. Ciam, the leading center for comprehensive medical care, presented its new package of preventive medical checkups as an effort to improve the quality of life of Guatemalans. Together with the athlete Raúl Tejada, CIAM has started a campaign to raise awareness among the population about the benefits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

“The main goal of preventive medicine is to prevent people from contracting diseases or suffering injuries. Instead of treating symptoms or conditions that have already fully developed, we focus on improving health and helping the body in areas where it needs reinforcement,” explained Luis Guillermo Wohlers, medical director of CIAM.

Some of the actions of preventive medicine are vaccination, health education, hygiene practices and preventive examinations. The latter vary depending on age, physical activity, sex, personal and family medical history, and other individual risk factors. The general recommendation is to do them at least once a year.

For athletes and those seeking a healthy lifestyle through sports, preventive medicine helps them detect health problems early before they become a serious condition that can negatively impact long-term performance. By evaluating biomechanics, muscle strength and other physical factors, athletes can take preventative measures and reduce the risk of injury during training and competitions.

“Preventive check-ups are vital for people who want to enhance their sports results. This will allow them to optimize performance, identify areas of opportunity, monitor health status, strategically plan their training and address small alerts before they become a problem that can potentially leave them out of their discipline,” adds Wohlers. .

For a limited time, CIAM will offer the preventive checkup package at a special price of Q535.00. This includes complete hematology, glucose intake, lipid profile, electrocardiogram and consultation with an internist for interpretation of results. This can be purchased at any of the three locations: Miraflores, Cayalá and zone 9. To do so, it is not necessary to make an appointment.

Some of the benefits of carrying out this checkup periodically are having a clear picture of general health, detecting medical conditions in time, preventing injuries and, for athletes and people who enjoy exercising, allowing them to optimize their performance and Plan training programs according to the state of your body.

Fountain. CIAM

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