Antofagasta joins the Training Plan to Strengthen Wellbeing and Mental Health in Educational Teams – Diario El America

Antofagasta joins the Training Plan to Strengthen Wellbeing and Mental Health in Educational Teams – Diario El America
Antofagasta joins the Training Plan to Strengthen Wellbeing and Mental Health in Educational Teams – Diario El America

Teachers from various educational establishments, including directors, professors and education assistants from the commune of Antofagasta, participated in the Training and Support Plan Workshop, which seeks to strengthen the socio-emotional well-being of the Educational Teams of the educational establishments of Antofagasta. the commune.

Antofagasta, June 10, 2024.- 09:46 pm.-

The workshops promoted by the Center for Improvement of Experimentation and Pedagogical Research (CPEIP) and executed by the Provincial Department of Education here in Antofagasta and by Secreduc, are considered in a plan that is made up of 4 consecutive phases or stages that are taught in different modalities. , reaching 136 pedagogical hours, begins with an in-person participatory diagnosis workshop and continues with self-instructional training modules, mentoring and accompaniment to professionals in their educational communities, as well as the formation of professional learning communities.

«With this, the aim is for the professionals who participate in the program to constitute a driving team in their educational community that drives and promotes the development of strategies to prevent and mitigate psychosocial risks of educational work, as well as the installation of care practices. mutual and personal,” said the Seremi of Education Alonso Fernández, who welcomed the participating teachers.

Antofagasta Plan

In this regard, the Seremi of Education Alonso Fernández Allende highlighted the day for the interest of teachers in participating in this instance. He also emphasized the importance of the Antofagasta Regional Plan, a local proposal developed by SECREDUC professionals and with support from the central level, aimed at responding to situations of coexistence, support and accompaniment among teachers in the region, an initiative that is in progress. stage of socialization in the different territories of the region and which represents one of the main articulation tools, “we are decisively promoting this initiative that will allow us to respond and accompany the educational team of the educational establishments, Seremi stated.

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