“We are committed to promoting the well-being and health of people” – Co-responsible

“We are committed to promoting the well-being and health of people” – Co-responsible
“We are committed to promoting the well-being and health of people” – Co-responsible

Why have you decided to apply for the ESR® Distinction, from Cemefi?

As a Hospital we are committed to promoting the well-being and health of people. By integrating the Distinctive project into our company, we can transmit this work to achieve greater outreach to the community and, in this way, strengthen the awareness for the preservation of the environment.

Could you summarize the trajectory of your company’s socially responsible management over recent years?

It is a commitment that was assumed by the Board of Directors and the General Management of the Hospital, which favored its implementation. With a multidisciplinary team The Social Responsibility Committee was formed, which develops tasks and activities in order to promote the commitment assumed by the entire organization.

What project or initiatives focused on the Sustainable Development Goals are you promoting and would you like to highlight in this interview?

The objective of “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” It is our priority.

• At the Hospital we provide medical-surgical care to everyone who needs it.
• Agreements are created with different institutions or social campaigns so that health is available to everyone.
• We manage vaccination campaigns for employees and their families, as well as for the community in general.
• We participate in reforestation campaigns.
• We make donations to different public organizations that support children with cancer, children with kidney diseases, people with limited resources and support establishments for the elderly.

In terms of social responsibility, what are the challenges that you have identified for the coming years?

Due to the nature of our company, The two main challenges are the decrease in the use of electricity and water. We have generated strategies seeking to reduce use and costs, but the very operation to provide the service prevents us from achieving the objectives.

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