Legislative betrayal set back the professionalization of Nursing by 20 years

Legislative betrayal set back the professionalization of Nursing by 20 years
Legislative betrayal set back the professionalization of Nursing by 20 years

Legislative betrayal set back the professionalization of Nursing by 20 years

Claudia Iturbe, general secretary of AMProS, emphasized: “The ruling party approved the deprofessionalization of the Nursing career, that is, we return to empirical nursing. “What the Provincial Legislature sanctioned this morning is a direct attack on public health, to remove them from their professional regime.”

A thousand Nursing Graduates expressed their rejection of the sanction of the Health Law in Deputies.

For the third consecutive Wednesday, more than a thousand Nursing Graduates expressed with their presence from 9 a.m. in the House of Laws, their repudiation of the Health project that this morning became law after the sanction of Deputies.

While this was happening on campus under the betrayal of the Cornejista ruling party, the health professionals grouped in AMProS with the support of Nursing associations, collegiate organizations; APREM (Mendoza Professional Nursing Association) whose owner is Yolanda Pozzo; The Association of Workers and Judicial Officials led by Ricardo Babillón and from SITEA, Raquel Blas, unanimously condemned the law “for considering it unconstitutional, against the training, effort and academic training of Nursing Graduates, attributing the area of ​​Human Resources of the Ministry of Health, dependent on the Executive Branch, the power to decide who it recognizes or not as a Graduate in Nursing.”

Claudia Iturbe, general secretary of AMProS, emphasized: “The betrayal of the legislators today made us go back 20 years. The ruling party approved the deprofessionalization of the Nursing career, that is, we return to empirical nursing. What the Provincial Legislature sanctioned this morning is a direct attack on public health, to remove them from their professional regime.

“It is literally the complete opposite of what they are dealing with at the ILO today; the care economy. It is expected that, as a result of climate change throughout the world, there will be pandemics like the dengue fever we have in Argentina. What we will need most will be the health care professions and these international organizations are analyzing, against the clock, how to promote the study of these professions. On the contrary, the legislators who should represent the people are responsible for having voted for this law,” Iturbe remarked.

For his part, the union secretary of AMProS, Rodrigo Dominguez, concluded: “Unfortunately, they have left us with a feeling of indignation and impunity. We will present to the provincial and national organizations the unconstitutionality of the entire package of laws presented, which will be the subject of the cuts in provincial public health; and before the ILO, where we will present a formal complaint,” he concluded.

Starting today, the union entity together with its bases will decide the direct action measures to be taken based on this decision.

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