Quality time: key to the well-being of children

Quality time: key to the well-being of children
Quality time: key to the well-being of children

It is essential to remember that quality time is defined as time in which we are fully present and emotionally connected, without distractions, interruptions or screens. Ana María Franco, positive discipline trainer for parents, emphasizes the importance of quality time “We can take advantage of this time to carry out recreational activities, as well as to strengthen a relationship based on communication, love and teaching.”

A recent study by Mondelēz International on modern parenting reveals worrying data about the time parents dedicate to their children. According to the research, carried out with parents in Latin America who have children from 7 to 13 years old, 74% of parents feel the need to compensate their children for the time they do not spend together. (Also read: Discover the professional profiles of the future that drive AI).

Daily routine, fatigue and housework are some of the main barriers identified by 68% of those surveyed.

The study shows that, on average, parents manage to dedicate only between 2 to 4 hours with their children during the week, time that they consider insufficient to strengthen emotional ties and support the comprehensive development of children. In response to this reality, many parents are looking for alternatives such as switching to jobs with fewer work hours or allowing occasional indulgences. Thus, 60% resort to special activities such as going to the movies, amusement parks, walks or trips to make up for the lost time. Even 37% allow children to spend more time playing with cell phones, video games or watching television, while 45% choose to compensate through food choices and 27% through gifts such as toys, games or clothing.

The study highlights that only two hours of parents’ weekly time with their children is considered “quality time.”

Despite various limitations, these moments are highly valued by families. Implementing quality time with children is recommended as a crucial aspect to strengthen emotional ties, promote their development, support learning and improve communication, contributing to the comprehensive well-being of children and creating a harmonious family environment.

This research underscores the need for parents to strive to be fully present in the time they share with their children, thereby promoting healthy emotional development and strong future relationships.

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