“Silent beauty”, the trend in Aesthetic Medicine

“Silent beauty”, the trend in Aesthetic Medicine
“Silent beauty”, the trend in Aesthetic Medicine

The aesthetic protocols with botox have been very popular in recent years, however in recent months a new trend related to naturalness and new ways to rejuvenate the face without resorting to Botox. In that sense, hepolynucleotides, collagen inducers, IPL or Hyaluronic acid are the new strategies to enhance natural beauty.

This new paradigm based on naturalness and harmony It is called “silent beauty.” He Dr. Ricart, IMR Medical Director, explains that this trend “has made patients lose their fear of medical-aesthetic treatments. On the one hand, thanks to the trust that doctors have been able to transmit over the years. On the other hand, due to the continuous evolution of products, procedures and technology.”

The actress Anne Hathaway It is one of the promoters of silent beauty: youthful, radiant and, above all, natural. Given this, the Dr. Carmen Górriz, IMR aesthetic doctor, analyzes the treatments that the actress has undergone over the past few years: “You’ve probably turned to hyaluronic acid to restore lost facial volume naturally, collagen inducers to firm and improve texture, polynucleotides to promote cell regeneration and IPL or picosecond laser to achieve an improved texture, increase luminosity and stimulate collagen synthesis. Maybe even botox to smooth expression wrinkles without drastically changing facial appearance.”

“Hyaluronic acid leaves a residue on the skin of between 10% and 15%

Dr. Ricart explains three aspects that are fundamental when it comes to obtaining natural and harmonious results:

  • PRODUCTS: That products the specialist is going to use, what waste are they going to stop these products and what type of results we search From IMR they emphasize the importance of betting on safe protocols whose side effects are known.
  • REABSORPTION: The expert insists on keeping in mind whether the patient wants the product to be definitive or temporary, that is, if reabsorption capacity. This is the case of hyaluronic acid, which “does leave a residue on the skin, between 10% and 15%.” For his part, the expert recommends the polynucleotides that “do not leave any type of aesthetic mark.”
  • DOCTOREXPERT: Ricart believes that it is crucial to have experienced professionals that “they are highly trained to resolve complications.”


The Dr. Górriz, IMR aesthetic doctor recommends the following treatments to show off a younger, more luminous face “without it being noticeable”:

  • Botulinum Toxin (Botox): softens the dynamic wrinkles by temporarily relaxing facial muscles. It works by inhibiting the nerve signal that causes muscles to contract, resulting in a smoother, more rejuvenated appearance. Unlike other more invasive procedures, Botox does not radically change facial expression, it simply softens expression lines.
  • Polynucleotides: contribute to stimulate cell regeneration and improve collagen production, resulting in firmer, brighter and more uniform skin. They are usually administered through microinjections into the dermis to promote cell renewal in a natural and subtle way.
  • Calcium Hydroxyapatite (Collagen Inducers): stimulates the body’s natural collagen production, helping to restore firmness and elasticity of the skin. It is an ideal protocol for those seeking gradual and natural facial rejuvenation, without drastic changes in their appearance.
  • Facial Rejuvenation Laser type IPL or Pico Seconds Laser: This treatment attenuatessun spots, uneven pigmentation, redness and fine wrinkles. Through intense light pulses to penetrate the deep layers of the skin and stimulate collagen production, improving texture and luminosity. Although the results are notable, the overall look remains natural, making it a popular option for those who want a subtle but effective change in their appearance.
  • Hyaluronic acid injections to reposition volumes: a very precise way of correct facial volume loss and restore fullness to certain areas, such as cheekbones, dark circles, and lips. Hyaluronic acid helps hydrate and plump naturally treated areas. And it provides subtle but noticeable results, without altering the overall facial expression.


Dr. Ricart is clear: “Nowadays we are even able to do an afternoon treatment and have absolutely nothing noticeable that same night.” An achievement that, according to the expert, has been possible thanks to “the systematization and quality of the products.”

That way, facial harmony and quality products have become a priority to treat the signs of aging.

Another aspect on which the doctor insists is that: “Now We know what response we are going to get with each patient depending on the number of vials or its application and for me that has been fundamental.”

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