An unconventional medicine against diseases

An unconventional medicine against diseases
An unconventional medicine against diseases


Dr. Osvaldo Jarast, cardiologist (MN 55.137) specialized in sports medicine, shares the news from the last congress of the specialty.

This new edition was characterized by the expansion of the cardiology to other areas of human health such as the brain (cardioneurology), metabolism (cardiometabolism), kidney (cardiorenal), and most importantly, exercise cardiology.

It is currently known that a large proportion of neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, dementia, cognitive impairments) are attributed to insufficiencies in cardiovascular function. On the other hand, metabolic alterations (diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia) are strongly linked, reciprocally, with cardiac alterations and, something similar, happens with the kidney.

But the most relevant thing is related to physical exercise since Scientific evidence has demonstrated the clear relationship between physical activity and benefits, both in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases as in its regulated practice in patients already suffering from ailments.

It is currently known that a large proportion of neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, dementia, cognitive impairments) are attributed to insufficiencies in cardiovascular function.GETTY IMAGES

As for the exercises, for this type of population in particular, Three weekly sessions of moderate intensity aerobic activities are recommended (jogging, rowing, swimming, cycling), plus another two weekly sessions of muscular resistance exercises.always paying attention to moderate intensity (loads).

Even more important is the study of cardiovascular fitness in high-performance athletes to detect asymptomatic cardiac abnormalities that lead to sudden deaths that occur in athletes.

Also It became necessary to know that “more is not better” and that it is always good to schedule exercise according to the objectives. that are pursued knowing that, overcoming the stimuli, it can trigger cardiac abnormalities.

Therefore, it has been determined that cardiology has expanded its field of action, primarily to take care of our brain and kidney function and today it is absolutely proven that physical exercise is medicine, analogous to a pill whose dose is daily (frequency of sessions). , with a milligramme according to each person (intensity of the stimulus), for a time (duration of the session, and for life).

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