Fernando Tejero confesses in ‘El Hormiguero’ his fear of the Treasury after his fiscal problems: “I shit on all his ministers”

Fernando Tejero confesses in ‘El Hormiguero’ his fear of the Treasury after his fiscal problems: “I shit on all his ministers”
Fernando Tejero confesses in ‘El Hormiguero’ his fear of the Treasury after his fiscal problems: “I shit on all his ministers”

Fernando Tejero in ‘El Hormiguero’. (Flickr)

It had been several months since Fernando Weaver did not go to The Anthill and this Tuesday he returned to present his new work, the film stories, which opens this Friday, May 24 in theaters. With a large number of films behind him, this has become something special for the actor since, according to what he said, he has not been paid to work on it.

“Paco called me to make the film. This has been done in several years because Juan Diego gave Paco something wonderful. He called me and showed me the sequences that he had already shot and I started to cry,” he confessed to Motos. Those feelings led him to want to be in it, knowing that It was “a small film and it wasn’t going to get paid.””.

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The conversation led to the background of the film and Tejero ended up telling Pablo Motos what his biggest fears are. Beyond some common ones like “loneliness” or “pain,” Tejero said that he also He has a hard time thinking about “Treasury”. The reason? The problems that he had with the Treasury a few years ago and that it seems that he continues to drag on.

Fernando Tejero in ‘El Hormiguero’. (Flickr)

“I promise you it’s literal. If I get a letter from the Treasury at home, my legs shake until I go to pick her up. I shit on all the finance ministers that there has been, in all the branches…”, he stated, although with a touch of humor. Regarding what happened to him, he assured that “it was not an inspection, it was a search down to his underwear.”

Fernando Tejero also spoke about his other fears: “Pain is part of life. So, you have to accept it, and instead of turning your back on it, make friends with that pain.” He gave a very different version of loneliness, since although it makes many people panic, it creates the opposite for him. “Now I am alone and I am happier never”.

It may interest you: Fernando Tejero, the actor who worked as a fishmonger and triumphed with ‘There is no one alive here’ and ‘La que se cerca’

stories tells different moments in the lives of eleven people, from birth to old age. Throughout the film, themes are discussed that everyone can identify with, as it reflects the feelings that can arise throughout life. “I think what the director, Paco Sepúlveda, has done is brave. He has stripped his soul and has been brave to tell those things that sometimes it is very difficult for human beings to verbalize and confess. “We are too cowardly to say I am afraid,” explained the actor.

In this film Fernando Tejero gives life to a taxi driver who picks up a pregnant woman who is about to give birth. For this reason, she wanted to tell on the Pablo Motos program, an anecdote that she had in a taxi, although very different, one day when she went out to party with her friend, the actress Lola Dueñas. As soon as they get into the car they realize that “it was a family cemetery, there was a stench and a mixture… It smelled like dead beings.”

Because of this, Dueñas began to get dizzy and told him that he was going to vomit. “I tell him: don’t vomit, I’ll do it,” Tejero recalls. The actor asked the taxi driver to stop, but he replied that he couldn’t at that moment. But neither of them could resist the desire and both began to throw away everything they had eaten. “All actors are equally vicious”The driver ended up insulting them.

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