Hugh Hefner’s widow responded to Holly Madison and denied being a “manipulative”

Hugh Hefner’s widow responded to Holly Madison and denied being a “manipulative”
Hugh Hefner’s widow responded to Holly Madison and denied being a “manipulative”

Crystal Hefner responded to Holly Madison and Marston Hefner, denying she is a “master manipulator” to gain power. (Credits: Getty/Shutterstock)

The controversy surrounding Hugh Hefner’s legacy continues. This time, the publication of his widow’s memoirs, Crystal Hefnerhas revived old disputes with people from the mansion, among whom is his stepson, Marston Hefner and the ex-bunny, Holly Madison. In a recent interview with Us WeeklyCrystal responded head-on to accusations of manipulation and ambition.

Since last January, Crystal’s explosive comments in her book Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself They painted a dark picture of her life at the Playboy Mansion. The residence was described as a place controlled by Hugh Hefner, where she and other Playmates They competed in a toxic environment. “Sometimes I imagined myself as Rapunzel, locked in her tower, waiting to be rescued. But no one came to rescue me,” Crystal wrote.

Madison, Hugh’s ex-girlfriend and star of the reality show The Girls Next DoorHe didn’t take long to react. On his podcast Girls Next Level—which she co-hosts with Bridget Marquardt—Madison and Marston Hefner accused Crystal of being a “master manipulator.” They alleged that Crystal influenced Hugh to change his will when his mental state was no longer optimal, benefiting financially from it.

On the podcast “Girls Next Level”, Holly Madison invited Hugh Hefner’s son and in the conversation they criticized Crystal. (Credits: Instagram/Girls Next Level Podcast)

For his part, the Playboy heir claimed that Crystal had an obsession with control and influenced who could and could not enter the mansion.

“You knew you had to be a little afraid of him sometimes, that you shouldn’t get on his bad side,” Marston commented, suggesting that Crystal exercised an “iron fist” over even her husband.

Crystal38, vigorously defended himself in his interview with Us Weeklystating that the veteran editor was always the “king of the castle” and that she only carried out her wishes. She also dismissed accusations of manipulation of her will, clarifying that Hugh had a lawyer in charge of his legal affairs. She also denied that she overmedicated her ex-husband, saying that she herself avoids prescription pills and preferred that Hugh take as little as possible.

As for Holly and Bridget, Crystal said they were both trying to “sabotage” her and “bring her life down.” “If I have a problem with someone, I will go to the person and talk to them. Obviously they just want attention”he said in response to comments aired on the podcast.

Crystal, in an interview with Us Weekly, insisted that Hugh was always the “king of the castle” and that she only carried out his wishes. (Credits: Youtube/Crystal Hefner)

The tension between the two former bunnies is not something new. Since 2009, when Crystal became Hugh’s main girlfriend after his separation from Holly, their relationship deteriorated considerably. A close source told Us Weekly that “Holly automatically hated Crystal.” after her affair with the CEO.

The conflict between the women intensified with the intervention of other of Hugh’s ex-girlfriends. According to the tabloid, Kendra Wilkinson publicly aligned herself with Crystal in 2021, criticizing Holly for her comments about the dynamics within the sumptuous residence and its inhabitants.

The accusations of Marston Hefner about Hugh’s funeral were also rejected by Crystal, who defended the intimacy of the event by clarifying that she only invited close friends and the magnate’s office staff.

“I’m the one who saw Hugh die; they do not. Marston came, but [sus hijos] They were not with him 24-7″, he declared. Hugh passed away at home on September 27, 2017 due to sepsis caused by an E. coli infection.

Crystal also denied having “drugged” Hefner with medications to alter his lucidity. (Credits: EFE/Daniel Deme)

Although the controversy appears to be far from resolved, Crystal expressed hope for reconciliation. “I hope we can all heal and get along. I don’t hold grudges,” she stated in the American publication.

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