Hours before the elimination gala in Big Brother, Fury targeted Virginia with a very harsh accusation

Hours before the elimination gala in Big Brother, Fury targeted Virginia with a very harsh accusation
Hours before the elimination gala in Big Brother, Fury targeted Virginia with a very harsh accusation

Fury killed Virginia and said she was seducing Manzana (Video: Big Brother – Telefe/DGO)

Rage and Virginia They declared war a few weeks before the grand final of Big Brother (Telefe). Determined to be among the last competitors, both women decided not to give in and begin their respective campaigns. Especially the high-performance athlete, who did not think twice when making a spicy comment that destabilized the house.

“Virginia hung out with Apple for him fandom, expressed the participant without mincing words, while sharing the room with the men of the reality show. “Obviously she did it, but I mean, maybe…,” Bautista tried to say about it, but he was quickly silenced by a strong accusation against the comedian. In that sense, Juliana added: “Aside from how she seduced him, do you want me to imitate you? ‘Apple, come on, how old are you? Do you know what a big woman is? Do you know what I can do to you? Do you want me to show it to you?’ Dario saw it”.

Between laughter and cries of disbelief, the Uruguayan took the lead in the conversation and asked the man from La Plata if that was true. “It was like that Dario, post? do you confirm it? Did you see all that? ”He asked him, completely stunned, while he looked towards the player’s bed. He, in an attempt to evade the topic, responded: “Virginia to Manzana?”

Furia tried to seek complicity in Darío, who avoided talking about the subject

The response did not come from the player, as Scaglione returned to the attack. Getting up from her place, he imitated the woman’s alleged attitude with the former participant, who according to her, would have fallen for her charms. “When they started changing beds. “She slept there, then she moved there, getting closer and closer.”she recalled while playing the comedian.

Again, The 57-year-old man ignored the matter and avoided being complicit in the athlete’s statements.. “I can’t talk about the outside,” he said in reference to one of the rules of the game, which prohibits him from breaking isolation with information that alters the normality of the most famous house in the country. Far from appeasing the enthusiasm for the anecdote, she continued referring to the duo, whom she called more than friends.

“She looked very sensual. And when Santi asks her all day and she tells him ‘I can’t tell you that I’m the mother, we’re friends, but hey, he likes my breasts and I play with that’”added Fury. And, as if it were a bomb, he threw: “Later, Apple with left bone pain and yes obviously, it is full of milk”.

Virginia did not tolerate Furia messing with her daughter in Big Brother: their tremendous fight (Video: Big Brother – Telefe/DGO)

After their relationship broke up permanently, The player found that her partner had bad attitudes towards her daughter. Destabilized by the situation, she did not hesitate to bring out her maternal side. In front of the cameras, the standup put aside the competition and confronted the competitor’s comments.

I’m telling you in good spirits, you see when you don’t feel like smiling, don’t do it, seriously. I’m telling you this coolly because she’s a shit…,” the high-performance athlete launched as she entered the room, where mother and daughter were enjoying her time while dancing. Without biting her tongue, the girl commented: “But,because? I smile at everyone, I always smile. If you don’t want to smile at people, don’t do it.”.

While the controversial player pointed out that she realized “when people don’t like me,” the comedian came to the girl’s aid and made it clear to her not to get involved with her daughter. “Don’t smile at her anymore, she’s not afraid of you and don’t mess with my daughter, that’s the only thing I’m missing! Don’t break my balls!”he shouted at Fury.

Although the crossing ended at that moment, the coach continued unloading on other members of the reality show, one of these being Darío. “Give the house to this one if the mother keeps quiet,” she said. This led to the second round of the fight, which moved to the kitchen. “You’re not going to bully my daughter, nor are you going to say stupid things.”said the competitor, while the other made her tired clear and expressed that she did not need her smiles because she felt that they were “an enormous effort.”

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