Villarruel and Recalde crossed paths on a student trip to the Mathematics Olympics

Villarruel and Recalde crossed paths on a student trip to the Mathematics Olympics
Villarruel and Recalde crossed paths on a student trip to the Mathematics Olympics


Every year, the Senate of the Nation takes charge of the tickets for the Argentine students classified for the Mathematics Olympiads. However, for the 2024 edition of the competition They refused to give the money. For this reason, the opposition bloc of the venue presented a bill for the Upper House to pay for the round trip transportation of the six selected participants.

“We present a project for the Senate of the Nation to guarantee the passage of the Argentine delegation to the International Mathematics Olympiad, as it has always done. For Villarruel it is an expense. For us, supporting the efforts and future of young people“, public Mariano Recaldenational senator, in his personal account x.

In this way, the vice president of the Nation, Victoria Villarruelresponded through the same social network: “Senator Recalde, the Senate Budget is not mine and it is public knowledge that there’s no money. However, if you want and can cover some of the tickets with your salary increase. Together with the signatories of your bill, they will surely cover everything and in this way we support the efforts and future of young people and not only declaim with other people’s pockets.”

After the vice president of the Nation refused to give the money to the students and responded to the legislator about the bill, Recalde published a thread of x listing the reasons why the Senate must cover the expenses of the trip. In it, he highlights that The Upper House “assumed, almost 30 years ago, the responsibility of financing tickets to the International Mathematics Olympiads”.

Furthermore, the senator noted that “The Senate has the budgetary resources to pay for fares. To date, only 40% has been spent.“, in response to Villarruel’s statement in which he assured that “there is no money.”

Thirdly, he criticized the vice president by comparing the President’s tours since his inauguration with the trip that students take each year: “In just six months of government, Milei spent a month and a half abroad. Is there no money for the kids to travel to the Mathematics Olympics but there is money for the President’s artistic tour?”.

Finally, Recalde stated that the participation of Argentine students in the United Kingdom Mathematics Olympiad would contribute to the national future: “They have the responsibility to do so. They have the resources. Kids have to travel”, he concluded.

While, Recalde also targeted Karina Milei. The senator responded to the Vice President’s comment by citing a note from this medium about the visits of the Secretary of the Presidency in Prague. “Villarruel says that “there is no money” for 6 students to travel to the International Mathematics Olympics,” said the legislator.


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