Radio’s Martín Fierro promises stellar presences, fiery speeches and several open controversies

Radio’s Martín Fierro promises stellar presences, fiery speeches and several open controversies
Radio’s Martín Fierro promises stellar presences, fiery speeches and several open controversies


The celebration of camaraderie that the radio experiences every year around the Martin Fierro promises for this Sunday a evening of stellar presences, fiery speeches and the continuity of open controversies The nominations were barely known.

At the party, which will take place at 9 pm on Sunday in the main hall of one of the pavilions of The Ruralin Palermo, the radio merit recognitions corresponding to 2023 and some remaining categories from 2022 will be awarded, adding a total of 37 categories.

From the winners in each of the categories, as is customary, the name of the owner of the Martín Fierro de Oro at the closing of a ceremony that América will broadcast live with the conduction of Karina Mazzocco, figure of that channel. At 7 p.m. on the same screen you can see the arrival of the guests and their walk along the red carpet. Florencia de la V, Sebastián Perelló Aciar (known as “Pampito”) and Guido Zaffora They will talk with the protagonists and show the look of each of them before the party gets underway.

As usually happens every year, the Association of Argentine Television and Radio Journalists (Aptra) ensured through the nominations the call almost without exception to the ceremony of all the strong names in radio, who at the same time have a strong journalistic presence in other journalistic fields (television, print media, streaming). They are some of the most listened to and also most seen figures in our environment.

Eduardo Feinmann, one of the nominees in the most important journalistic categories

With the very close echoes of what happened in the last hours of last Wednesday with the agonizing approval of the Bases Law in the Senate, Politics will inevitably get into the heart of Martín Fierro de Radio through the statements of the candidates for the award and, above all, the potential speeches of those who win.

Nothing else could be expected from figures who usually make high-profile statements in these types of meetings. In fact, many of these names have already demonstrated this in previous installments of Martín Fierro (radio and TV), during which the political discussion and the different positions around what is known as “crack” had ample space and diffusion. .

Just look at some of the most important categories of this Sunday’s ceremony. The daily morning news programs on AM that are nominated are Bread and Circus (Rivadavia, with Jonatan Viale), Wool without filter (Miter, with Jorge Lanata) and Someone has to say it (Miter, with Eduardo Feinmann). In the equivalent item for frequency modulated stations, there are: And now who can help us? (Radio Con Vos, with Ernesto Tenembaum), The immense minority (Radio Con Vos, with Reynaldo Sietecase); From now on (Urbana Play, with Maria O’Donnell), and Nobody stops us (Rock & Pop, with Beto Casella).

Jorge Lanata, among the nomineesCourtesy of Miter radio

Any of them, if they win, will not refrain from saying what they think about political reality, the role of the President, the Government’s attitude towards the media and other current events. The same can be expected for the rest of the journalistic categories that will be awarded this Sunday, both in the case of the programs and in the case of the hosts or columnists.

To the names mentioned we must add other very strong presences in terms of opinion among this year’s candidates. There they are among others Jorge Fernández Díaz, Nelson Castro, Carolina Amoroso, Cristina Pérez, Dominique Metzger, Jesica Bossi, Nancy Pazos, Alejandro Bercovich and Romina Manguel, Representative voices of a very broad spectrum of opinion on current issues. In that sense, it could be expected that in the event that some of them are awarded, there will also be more than one counterpoint within the ceremony.

To all this panorama we must add another source of possible debates and heated positions, in this case around the policy carried out by the Government in relation to public media. The lifting, after 73 years, of one of the great cycles in the entire history of Radio Nacional, announced in the last few hours, will most likely also have its impact on some of the mentions or speeches at this Sunday’s ceremony, along with the general situation of the station.

Chiche Gelblung, one of the candidates in the journalistic career shortlistSantiago Filipuzzi – LA NACION

Aptra is therefore assured a salt and pepper ceremony. To which will undoubtedly be added on a much lighter ground the repercussions on the integration of some other shortlists. Controversies that began only with the president of the organizing entity, Luis Venturaannounced the details of the first nominations at the end of May on TV.

As there is never a lack of misunderstandings in the distribution of the Martín Fierro candidates, this time it was Yanina Latorre’s turn to be the protagonist of a noisy resignation a few hours after learning that she had been included among the candidates for best entertainment columnist along with Marina Calabro (Miter), Pia Shaw (CNN Radio), Marcela Tauro (FM 100) and Tamara Pettinato (Radio Con Vos). The wife of former soccer player and current commentator Diego Latorre immediately recalled that in 2023 she did not perform that function because she was already in charge of his own program. Also in that category, objections were heard to the inclusion of Roberto Pettinato’s daughter.

On the side of the categories of sports journalism on radio, another curiosity came into view. Gustavo López (La Red), Magui Aicega (Rock & Pop), Marcelo Palacios (La Red) and Hernán Feler (D Sports) appear in the shortlist for best sports work. López, during 2023, was the host of a general interest program that is still on the air and that is his main task, although there he does not deprive himself of giving his opinion on current football events.

María O’Donnell will also be present tonight among the candidates for her journalistic work in Urbana Play

It is still curious, at the same time, that a recognition that is usually given directly now becomes a race between three candidates. It is the first time that the award for journalistic career takes on competitive overtones instead of being honorary and arising from the consensus of the entire media. In this case there are four nominees: Samuel “Chiche” Gelblung, Teté Coustarot, Eduardo Aliverti and Juan Carlos Del Missier. Only one of them will be consecrated with that title on Sunday.

Who will take Gold this year? The competition appears as open as definition in most of the strongest categories. None of the names mentioned above, leaders of the most listened to journalistic programs of all radio programming, won that award with the exception of Lanata, winner of the Gold for his television work in 2015, the same year in which he achieved that same distinction for the first time. once to a figure in the radio field.

Santiago del Moro sounds like one of the candidates for the Martín Fierro de Oro

Since the political debate is in the foreground, one could easily speculate that some of the leading names in the analysis of current events on the radio would be in the best conditions to aspire to gold, but in the last few hours the growth of the chances for the prize of Santiago Del Moro, one of the great owners of the radio audience in the FM mornings. Another of the natural recipients of the Gold for the merits accumulated throughout his great career, Fernando Bravowarned from the moment of his nomination that he would be absent from the ceremony because the date coincided with his vacation.

Outside of the best-known names, the world of radio will, as always, be much more attentive to the moment of announcement of the winners in the most distinctive professions in the life of this medium: production, musicalization, technical operation, mobile.

On the other hand, beyond the nominees, the most sought-after figure this Sunday throughout the media universe will undoubtedly be Fatima Florez, of few public appearances since he distanced himself emotionally from President Javier Milei. As soon as it became known that she had been invited to the ceremony without having any presence at the current time on the radio, another controversy began. It will not be the only one in this new party around Martín Fierro.


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