Furia refused to give a note with LAM and Yanina Latorre was lapidary with her sister: “The elbow she gave to the notary!”

Furia refused to give a note with LAM and Yanina Latorre was lapidary with her sister: “The elbow she gave to the notary!”
Furia refused to give a note with LAM and Yanina Latorre was lapidary with her sister: “The elbow she gave to the notary!”

Furia refused to give a note with LAM and Yanina Latorre was lapidary with her sister: “The elbow she gave to the notary!”

After his resounding departure from the house of Big Brother (Telefe), Juliana Rage Scaglione He continues to be talked about and is the talk of gossip programs every day. Thus, this Monday afternoon she was approached by a cell phone from THE M (America) and, although he did not make big statements, he became news due to the bad attitude that his sister had Georgina Hammock Scaglione with the notary.

Hammock, how are you? “You reported a fraud, do you still think the same thing?” the driver asked him after seeing him get out of a car. However, the sister of the former participant of the reality show, did not give statements. “Do you want to say something today? “You talked about fraud,” the man insisted, but the woman did not answer him at all. At the same time, she faced the door of a building with her cell phone pressed to her ear, trying to make a call. Upon arriving at the property, he appeared Rage in the hall and the notary noticed it. “There is Rage… Hello, RageHow is it going, is everything okay? So I greet you well,” she said but Hammock She stood between him and his sister, wanting to prevent direct contact.

Guys, just greetings, I can’t give notes“, Furia said off the microphone but willing to establish contact with the chronicler. She even approached him to give him a kiss and a hug. After her greeting, Coy intervenes again and takes her in the direction of the parked car. “I can’t give notes, I’m having a hard time”Furia said in passing. The notary insisted with his questions, but the stuntwoman did not answer them. “I can’t give notes, we’ll talk later,” he reiterated as he approached the car.

At that moment, there was a violent movement of Hammock towards the chronicler, giving him a push or elbow with the intention of opening the car door and putting his sister inside. “Oh, sorry, don’t be angry“, was the reaction of the chronicler of the cycle originally conducted by Ángel de Brito, although these days he is on vacation and was left in charge Yanina Latorre. “I can’t give notes, sorry! We’ll talk later, the time will come”, Furia managed to say already inside the car. The reporter insisted with the questions, but they closed the door and windows just before the cell phone took off to an uncertain destination.

The moment when Coy, Furia’s sister, elbows the LAM notero

At the end of the tapethey returned to the apartment and Yanina took the floor to comment on the “no note” with Furia, emphasizing the controversial attitude of Hammock. “First: the elbow he gave him Hammock to Ale. This is what I have been saying since the program started: the problem is not Rageis the sister. Rage She came out polite, told him: ‘I can’t give notes’, which is true, gave him a kiss, hugged him. And she put herself in the middle,” the woman began to say. Diego Gambetite Tower.

“Furia told his sister: ‘Let me go and say hello.’ But she put her hand over his mouth,” Yanina pointed out and then harshly attacked Hammock. “Sister has a big one she’s living through Rage: the money, the business and a fame that does not belong to him, because it took over his Instagram. When did it start Big Brother, Do you remember that she was denounced because she kept money and exchanges and goats from Fury?”, stated the temporary batonera of the cycle that is broadcast from Monday to Friday in America.

Furia was calm, she told him: ‘I’m going to answer.’ She was loving”, Latorre closed with his considerations, raising differences between the Scaglione sisters regarding the attitude adopted with the appearance of the mobile phone.

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