Concern for the health of Silvio Soldán: he was urgently admitted to Colonia

Concern for the health of Silvio Soldán: he was urgently admitted to Colonia
Concern for the health of Silvio Soldán: he was urgently admitted to Colonia

Concern for the health of Silvio Soldán: he was urgently hospitalized in Colonia (Video: LAM, América)

The entertainer Silvio Soldan He was admitted in the last few hours to a sanatorium in the Uruguayan city of Colonia, after having suffered an episode of motion sickness, according to his press agent Giuliano Bacchi. The news was announced by Ángel de Brito, in THE M (America).

Soldán, who knew how to host programs like Happy Sunday and Great values ​​of tangowas in Uruguay to present a show with the singers Néstor Rolán and Alberto Bianco, whom he announced as “two great values ​​of tango” in reference to their iconic television series.

According to the statement released minutes ago, which was also accessed TeleshowSilvio “experienced discomfort due to the movement of the ferry that transported him.” For his part, De Brito said on his program that “they thought it was possible that he had a stroke because he was dizzy, with some strange symptoms, so they quickly transferred him to a clinic and treated him.”

Silvio Soldán (Photo: Franco Fafasuli)

The diagnosis reported in the press release states that it was motion sickness. According to MedlinePlus – belonging to the United States National Library of Medicine -, it is “a common problem among people who travel by car, train, plane, and especially by boat,” since it is motion sickness. “Anyone can have it, but it is more common in children, pregnant women and people taking certain medications. Motion sickness can happen suddenly, with a feeling of dizziness and cold sweats. This can lead to dizziness, nausea and vomiting.”

The 89-year-old announcer began to feel bad during his ferry transfer to Colonia del Sacramento and ended up hospitalized after an almost hour-long interview for the newspaper. The country. To clear up doubts, Ángel de Brito emphasized: “He is in perfect health, but they had a pretty big scare. The people who were with him told me that he is now resting in his hotel, lying down.”.

The statement on Silvio Soldán’s health status

“He wanted to come back today. He was worried because the press saw that he felt bad. He went to give a press conference and started looking to the side as if asking for help. He started to say ‘I feel bad’ and then they got scared, called the ambulance and took him to the hospital. “This was at five in the afternoon,” the presenter explained.

The production team of the show that Silvio was going to present in Uruguay released a statement to reassure the audience. “On behalf of the production of Silvio Soldán and two great values ​​of tango, we wish to inform you that Mr. Silvio Soldán traveled today to the city of Colonia to begin a tour of our show. During the ferry ride he experienced discomfort due to the movement of the ferry.”says the first part of the report.

The diagnosis reported in the press release states that the discomfort suffered by Silvio Soldán was due to motion sickness.

“Despite this, Silvio continued his commitment to our press conference to promote the functions. However, due to the worsening of his condition, We chose to seek medical attention at the local hospital. With logical concern and our priority for her well-being, the doctors carried out the relevant tests and confirmed that it was an episode of motion sickness,” explained producer Bacchi in a statement posted on social media.

Finally, it was reported: “We have decided to reschedule the tour for the month of August, allowing our esteemed artist to rest and recover in Buenos Aires. It is estimated that he will return at noon tomorrow.”

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