[Audio] Frente Amplio promised to “banish corruption from each municipality” where its candidates are elected

[Audio] Frente Amplio promised to “banish corruption from each municipality” where its candidates are elected
[Audio] Frente Amplio promised to “banish corruption from each municipality” where its candidates are elected

The nascent single party of the Frente Amplio presented this Saturday, in a meeting with nearly 200 militants, its candidates for the municipal elections: the 29 who will go directly to the October ballot and the 19 who will participate in the June primaries.

The transitional president, Diego Ibáñez (helmsman of Social Convergence), revealed that these “are going to promise to keep their hands clean, at a time when we see that in many municipalities, today governed by the right, it seems that personal interests and power of money are above the interest of the neighborhoods and neighbors.

For this reason, “we are arduously committed to banishing corruption from each municipality where the Frente Amplio makes its homeland,” he emphasized.

The Minister of Women and Gender Equality, Antonia Orellana, members of the parliamentary groups and current mayors, such as Gonzalo Durán (Independencia), also participated in the event, who remarked that “this election is probably the most important in recent years. ” and that “we are going to face it with the most important alliance that has been had in recent years.”

The two official blocs, Apruebo Dignidad and Democratic Socialism, will face the October municipal elections – and the June primaries – within the “Contigo Chile Mejor” pact, which also includes Christian Democracy.


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