Construction of regional aqueduct in Garzón progresses without setbacks

Construction of regional aqueduct in Garzón progresses without setbacks
Construction of regional aqueduct in Garzón progresses without setbacks

More than 5 thousand inhabitants of more than 13 villages of Garzón benefit from the project that is financed by the company AGUAS DEL HUILA SA ESP.

By: Héctor Fabio Muñoz Figueroa – @hefamu1

The inhabitants of 13 villages will benefit from the construction of the Caguán-Caguancito regional aqueduct in the municipality of Garzón, a work in which nearly 1.8 billion pesos are invested.

The manager of Aguas del Huila, Genaro Lozada Mendieta, referred with satisfaction to the progress in the execution of 50% of the works that had been requested by the rural communities of Garzón, especially those associated with the Caguán – Caguancito regional aqueduct.

This is the construction of the drinking water treatment plant that will optimize this regional aqueduct, benefiting several towns in the diocesan capital of Huila.

In this regional aqueduct, from Caguán – Caguancito in the municipality of Garzón, we are advancing with the construction of the drinking water treatment plant. This is an investment of more than $1.8 billion, between work and audit. This is a project that was prioritized by the previous government and that the Rodrigo Villalba government has given continuity, and thanks to this today there is a 50% progress in work.“said the manager.

We are talking about benefiting more than 5,000 people in 13 villages of this regional aqueduct. It is very satisfactory to achieve that, with resources from the Department of Huila, this important work is being built that, neither more nor less, has the purpose of delivering drinking water from the aqueduct service to this important population, which definitely improves its quality of life. life in this entire region of central Huila”he added.

For his part, Engineer Orlando Cediel, Inspector of the Work, said that it is a consequence of the articulated work of the community of the Caguán-Caguancito aqueduct, since they have had this system for 23 years and it was urgent to optimize the provision of this service.

They raised the study and design project of the PTAP, to make the water drinkable and that the sanitary conditions are much better for these more than 1,000 families that benefit, and the Government of Huila assigned very important resources to build it. Today we see their progress“said the engineer.

Employment generation

Wilmar Vargas, a resident of Vereda La Soledad in the municipality of Garzón, assures that this project provides double benefits to the community. “I am one of the beneficiaries of this aqueduct and it seems very pertinent to me that while we benefit from the construction of the drinking water treatment plant, they give us the opportunity to work as a community in their works.”, he highlighted.

In turn, Samuel Carvajal, Manager of the Regional Aqueduct, Caguán-Caguancito, said that the project has been the desire of the entire community for more than 10 years.

We have been working to see how we could prepare the studies and designs of the project as such. Today it is a reality that is advancing and that soon we will be able to enjoy one of the most essential home and community public services for life, such as the supply of drinking water.”, he stated.

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