Due to the Nation’s adjustments, they promote measures to serve the most unprotected sectors

Through a bill submitted to the Legislature, they promote declaring a health emergency to reinforce assistance to community kitchens, among others.

Thursday May 16, 2024 | 5:30 a.m.

Due to the cuts made by the National Government, a bill was presented in the Chamber of Deputies of Misiones to declare the State of Health and Nutritional Emergency in the province of Misiones for a period of one year, extendable by the Executive Branch. in case a structural situation is detected that must be addressed.

The promoters of the initiative are Cristian Castro along with deputy Blanca Álvez, both from the Agrarian and Social Party (Pays). “No one is unaware that the population is suffering the effects of the fierce adjustment imposed by the national government of Javier Milei. Inflation and currency devaluation, the definancing of programs and policies fundamental to the normal functioning of the country, the suspension of public works, the cutting of financing for care for cancer patients and drug provision programs in general, the freezing salary and retirement and pensions, layoffs, the brake on transfers to the provinces, the increase in the cost of services, and a long list of etc. undeniably affected the quality of life of middle class and lower class families. , and especially, of the most vulnerable sectors of our population. This last sector was not only affected by the quality of life. Also, and in a more extreme form, the right to life itself.”

In a vulnerable situation
The authors of the initiative maintain that “with a total basic basket that exceeds 700 thousand pesos so that a family is not considered poor, it is clear that those people in vulnerable situations are suffering extreme situations that those of us who travel see on a daily basis. the province. Grandparents in a state of total need without access to their medicines despite receiving a retirement or pension, because medicines for older adults increased 157% in the last six months; pregnant women without controls or without basic nutrients for their condition because they cannot get an appointment or do not have a bus ticket; adolescents abandoned to their fate in houses where it is no longer possible to ensure a plate of food for everyone.”

Those who depend on the canteens
The Pays deputies added that some 35 thousand people, most of them children, depend on the community kitchens that were assisted by resources from the different programs administered by the National Government through social organizations. “Today that number has multiplied with hundreds of people who are going to ask to please feed their children.”
They remember that “the Ministry of Human Capital of the Nation is criminally denounced for this abandonment.”

The request made to the Chamber of Deputies is for actions to be carried out to primarily address the health and nutrition of children, pregnant women, people with disabilities and older adults who live in the province. They propose “to develop an emergency program that addresses the most urgent situations and nutritional and health risk.”
In addition to monitoring and knowing the situation of those who need it most at this time.


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