Price of the dollar in Colombia today, June 11: exchange rate and value in Colombian pesos

Price of the dollar in Colombia today, June 11: exchange rate and value in Colombian pesos
Price of the dollar in Colombia today, June 11: exchange rate and value in Colombian pesos

The Representative Market Rate (TRM) of the dollar in Colombia remains stable this Tuesday, June 11, $3,944.14, without changes compared to the previous day, but waiting for movements taking into account that the second July holiday weekend has already passed in Colombia and that, at the beginning of the day, Its movements are trending downward, with a decrease of 5.5% compared to the same day in 2023.

Despite recent fluctuations, the dollar in Colombia appears to be stabilizing, moving away from the $4,000 threshold. The projections of the Bank of the Republic and the decrease in volatility suggest a more favorable scenario for the Colombian currency in the coming months. However, It is important to be aware of factors that may influence the exchange rate and closely follow market updates.

Exchange rate June 11

For this Tuesday, June 11, the dollar in Colombia began the day with a drop, trading at 3,935.59 Colombian pesos on average, which represents a decrease of 0.76% compared to the previous day. However, around 10:00 am he was already in values ​​close to its Representative Market Rate of the day, 3,944.14 pesos, so the day could end with a more expensive dollar.

Although last week the dollar experienced an increase of 0.14%, in the last year it has accumulated a decrease of 4.02%. The volatility of the last few days has been 7.21%, lower than the annual volatility (14.09%), which suggests a period of greater stability recently. This is how the US currency has behaved in the last week:

Behavior of the dollar in the last week

  • Tuesday, June 11: 3,944.14 COP
  • Monday, June 10: 3,944.14 COP
  • Sunday, June 9: 3,944.14 COP
  • Saturday, June 8: 3,944.14 COP
  • Friday, June 7: $3,938.53 COP
  • Thursday, June 6: $3,927.91. COP
  • Wednesday, June 5: $3,909.65 COP
  • Tuesday, June 4: $3,860.92 COP

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