Milei confirmed that he will not withdraw the ambassador in Spain after the decision of the Sánchez government


Javier Milei spoke this Tuesday at LN+ after the government of Spain decided to definitively withdraw the ambassador in Argentina, María Jesús Alonso, after the tension generated with the administration of the socialist Pedro Sánchez after at an event in Madrid the libertarian called his wife “corrupt.”

Socialists are capable of doing anything“, stated the head of state and after that he added that what was announced by the socialist government It is “nonsense typical of an arrogant socialist”. Likewise, when asked if Argentina is willing to take a similar measure in response, he remarked: “No.” “If Sánchez is making a major mistake, I am not going to be like that.” fool to repeat it. We are going to keep everything as it has been until now, those who are not up to par with international politics are them”he added.

The President also referred to his phrase about Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez, and said: “He felt addressed, which is his problem, it was a phrase that did not contain names. From there he makes a senseless diplomatic escalation.” Furthermore, he indicated that the crossings between both countries began when several of the ministers of the Palace of La Moncloa launched harsh criticism towards him; One of them, the leader of the Transportation portfolio, Óscar Puente, even accused him of using drugs at a party event.

Milei during the “Viva 24” event organized by VOX where she made the controversial accusations against Sánchez’s wife.A. Pérez Meca – Europa Press – A. Pérez Meca – Europa Press

Next, he insisted on criticizing socialism by highlighting that his Spanish counterpart “believes it is the State.” “This stains the international image of Spain and how arrogant they are, like believing that they are the State and that no one can tell them anything,” she added.

In this way, he accused Sánchez of “crying political interference” for his visit to an opposition event in Spain and of “sending women to attack him.” He “campaigned for [Sergio] Massa openly and not only that, but also, when we won, he did not have the decorum to call me on the phone,” he questioned and continued: “It seems that democracy is only if the ‘reds’ like him win. He must be very happy with Venezuela, with Cuba and with South Korea, those places must be great for him.”

“I was called an extreme rightist – which for them is a Nazi -, xenophobic, fascist, anti-science, a cataract of insults that socialists use and that are fallacies that they can never prove. “When one does not adhere to the points that they hold as dogma, you will be disqualified,” he said and launched a forceful accusation: “Behind all this is Kirchnerism, because Sánchez’s advisor is Alberto Fernández. They can insult everyone, say anything and I have to stay silent. Where do I leave my dignity?”

After considering that Sánchez will become “the laughing stock of the whole world,” Milei indicated that all the controversy and The decisions of the Spanish government are being “encouraged by Kirchnerism to generate internal problems”. “They try to sabotage governments that are not to their liking. Because of the inferiority complex that Sánchez has about me, let the psychologist that Alberto recommends pass it on to Sánchez so that he matures and that he also recommend a good lawyer to Begoña,” he questioned.

He also referred to the Spanish president’s warning to present this conflict to the authorities of the European Union (EU): “Let him take it wherever he wants. “It’s going to look more ridiculous because everyone understands what happened.”

The President’s response came minutes after the news broke that The Spanish government will permanently withdraw the Spanish ambassador in Buenos Aires, María Jesús Alonso, after Argentina refused to apologize to Sánchez for Milei’s statements. It was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain, José Manuel Albares, who broke the news this Tuesday of the withdrawal, which implies a drastic step in the diplomatic escalation between the two countries.

“The ambassador will definitely stay in Madrid, Argentina is left without an ambassador,” Albares said after a cabinet meeting. Without Alonso, who has already left Argentina, the diplomatic headquarters remains in the hands of the chargé d’affaires.

“Us we have no desire or interest in any escalation (…) but it is the government’s obligation to defend the dignity and sovereignty of Spanish institutions,” the minister stressed and added that “There is no precedent for a head of state going to the capital of another country to insult its institutions and to make flagrant interference in internal affairs.”.

Javier Milei, About the Conflict with Spain Behind all this is Kirchnerism


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