permanent task of the General Customs of the Republic • Workers

permanent task of the General Customs of the Republic • Workers
permanent task of the General Customs of the Republic • Workers

Improving the customs confrontation system, adjusting it to current scenarios to strengthen security and control at the border, stands out as a priority of the General Customs of the Republic (AGR) for this year.

Photo: José M. Correa

In the annual balance of the organization, chaired by Manuel Marrero Cruz, member of the Political Bureau of the Party and prime minister, and Yudí Mercedes Rodríguez Hernández, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Party and head of its Department of Attention to Services, it emerged that other The goals are to implement new procedures that simplify procedures for the population.

Nelson Cordovés Reyes, head of the AGR, pointed out that this year the computer development of customs processes and the insertion of economic actors in the Authorized Economic Operator and Customs Single Window program will continue to be promoted, which will allow progress in commercial activity in this area.

He added that the internal control system will be consolidated, with emphasis on the effectiveness of measures to combat corruption, crime, illegalities and social indiscipline.

Ernesto Valdespino Rivero, head of the Department of Attention to the Population of the AGR, said that 38% of the proposals received were made in person; of them, 75% were at the air terminals or dispatch point, in accordance with the established policy of facilitating these procedures for passengers.

He added that, fundamentally, the complaints focus on non-conformities both in procedures and in the execution of procedures incorrectly.


The Head of Government expressed that the increase in operations at the country’s airports, after reopening, after controlling the COVID-19 pandemic and the flexibility measures adopted, imposed new challenges for Customs.

However, he added, we have not stopped appreciating the rigor and commitment of customs officers in the mission of guaranteeing national security at the border.

He specified that control has been deployed in the implementation of comprehensive prevention and confrontation plans associated with human trafficking, zero tolerance for drugs and other illicit activities related to natural resources, although there are always those who try to violate the established mechanisms.

He highlighted the importance that, to the extent that the processes of improvement in management work advance, the systems to confront these scourges be strengthened.

The Prime Minister said that the challenges will be greater, as the world continues its development and, with it, the ways to circumvent the implemented mechanisms, so the work must be stronger.

He highlighted the importance of continuing the study of a variant of the system and improvement in payment methods, which must be reflected in the workers to the extent that financial sustainability increases.

He advised identifying obstacles that affect customs work and assured, when referring to passengers, that “we are open to listening to new proposals, the only limit is that the guarantee of security at the border is not lost.”

Likewise, he stressed that progress is being seen in relation to the measures implemented by the country, associated with procedures and procedures that the population recognizes and appreciates.

He stressed that good treatment of passengers must prevail both at entry and exit, and expressed the need to maintain attention to the population with the sensitivity that it entails, and comply with the controls established on the basis of respect, as well as perfect customs procedures.

He indicated that a combination between authority and kindness must be achieved.

He referred to the importance of practically implementing science and innovation, to advance flow controls through automation and computerization, with special emphasis on cybersecurity.

«Everything associated with illegalities and corruption has to be combated without respite and with rigor. “This is a very sensitive activity,” said Marrero Cruz.

On behalf of the Party, the Government and the Cuban State, the Prime Minister congratulated Customs for the work carried out during the past year.

“It is a pride to have an AGR, a revolutionary institution, with workers with a sense of belonging, defending the border and the Homeland,” he concluded.

By Susana Antón Rodríguez (Granma Newspaper)

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