The black pig appears in the Punta de Agua area, Río Negro. Legend and fear – Más Río Negro

The black pig appears in the Punta de Agua area, Río Negro. Legend and fear – Más Río Negro
The black pig appears in the Punta de Agua area, Río Negro. Legend and fear – Más Río Negro

There are legends that scare and frighten and that generally have as protagonists animals and entities that constitute a true fauna of terror.

Wolves, red bulls, the half-res, the sea horse, the abá yaguareté, the Borges ounce, the invisible troop of the lord of the waters, the clawed leather, the lady in white, the salamanca and many others that are part of the beliefs of Ibero-American folklore.

Valcheta, in the Southern Region of Río Negro, could not escape the general rule and is the birthplace of several of them such as the Lady in White and Bernabé Lucero, the salamanquero.

According to memorable residents close to the Punta de Agua area (where the Valcheta stream ends its course), on moonless nights to scare and destroy the unwary who dare to pass by the place, the terrifying “black pig” appears.

It destroys crops and animals and is also implacable with human beings. It lives both on dry land and in the shallows and lagoons of the stream.

Their eyes – they say – shine fearfully at night and their growls chill the blood of the bravest. In the town, children who misbehave are referred to by their parents as the black pig.

This legend, like almost all, is extended to the area of ​​our coast and the being of the republic of Brazil.

The researcher Félix Coluccio in his enjoyable book (reading at night is not recommended) “Fauna of terror in Ibero-American folklore” says the following about this evil entity:

“It appears on dark nights. It is large, impressive.

It mercilessly attacks people and animals, killing and destroying them. Nothing can stop their march: no bullets, no mercy, no curses.

It has the appearance of a huge black pig, and to achieve its purposes it walks both on solid ground and in swamps, with the same lightness in one as in the other. Its phosphorescent, diabolical eyes help it find its victims, even if they are hidden in the thick of the mountains and bushes.

A blind and mortal instinct takes him to the safest hiding place, multiplying his rage when he achieves his purpose after having sniffed out everything.”

An old friend and resident of the area showed me when we went to visit him to buy a lamb several dead and destroyed animals, and with an anguished voice he told us: -The damn black pig doing its thing again!!

Legends, hearth stories, souls, apparitions of non-ordinary reality, suggestions from country people. Who can know!!!

Just in case, when I visit Punta de Agua (a beautiful place, I do it during the day, and I don’t even go near the pens where the pigs are kept by chance), lest the infernal black pig appear to me .

Text: Jorge Castañeda

Writer – Valcheta (Río Negro)

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