Foreign trade: China strengthens its relationship with La Rioja as part of a strategic alliance

The state food company of La Rioja, AgroAndina, made its first sale to China with 128,000 units of diced tomato, made exclusively in Chilecito. This recent international transaction was an important contribution to the new objective of the Riojan productive entity, which seeks to achieve global positioningand also the first step to strengthen its commercial ties with the Asian country.

In this first approach, Merchants from the Far East selected one of the products from the tomato line, packaged in units of 340 grams in Tetra Recart, to take as proof to its best-known gondolas. On the occasion, Agroandina expressed: “For us, it was a nice experience to have worked with such a large company in China and a privilege that they chose us to develop this product.” “This was a first production for them to do a gondola rehearsal, and yes, the idea is to continue working with them; make more products and increase the volume much more. “We are talking about a floor of 500,000 units for next season.”they advanced from the state company.

Following this line, they highlighted that the announced number “It is like a base, but it can be much more”in the same way that they recalled that the exports made previously gave a boost to Agroandina, considered among the main five canning companies in Argentina: “Today, we are exporting our own brand products to Uruguay, Sabores del Valle, and fashion for a client there; We ship eight containers monthly. We are also in negotiations to be able to export to Chile and Ecuador. Our idea is, God willing, to be able to be exporting to those countries by the end of this year or the beginning of next year.”.

AgroAndina, a record company

This company, which was previously in private hands, It was recovered by the provincial government with the intention of creating jobs and boosting production in the department of Chilecito.. It specializes in the primary production of tomatoes and in the production of canned tomatoes, legumes, packaged foods and frozen vegetables. In addition to bringing the brand’s products closer Flavors of the Valley to all the provinces of the country, currently it is also committed to production work for large national companies.

“We were born with the objective of providing solutions for a vast productive sector in the area, satisfying the desires and expectations of consumers, who today demand practical, fast and nutritious products, in sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging”as specified on the company’s official website.

In these first four months of the year, the company has already managed to produce the same amount of tomatoes that it obtained throughout 2023. Last year, the harvest had produced a total of 35 million kilograms of tomatoes, however, in the first days of April, they already managed to equal that figure. Therefore, in the month of May they will be in a position to break a record in their production.

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